The reluctant allies retraced their steps back to the chamber where Armadimon hunkered down in hiding. While Trance, with a bruised body and ego both, lagged behind the group, the two tamers got acquainted with each other. The chubby violet dragon whelp was peppy and insisted on taking point. Ward was blissfully unaware of his new rival staring at him with contempt.
In between them, the tamers learned more about each other. To start, it was relevant discussion about arrival at Digital Arcadia. They established that neither of them knew what was going on when their minds were whisked away to this world. Garret had started the game several days before Lloyd. His story was familiar, he woke up with a DAIS and shortly after met his Digimon friend.
Lloyd told the story of how he met Olivia, but Lloyd was the first human that Garret had seen since coming to Digital Arcadia. The younger boy's motivations were also far simpler, to win. It was clear beyond question that his ally shared his desire. Garret had little knowledge to share other than practical information about the world, which was still useful. For example, what the dangerous areas were in the region. By linking their DAIS devices to each other, they shared their map information.
"Those mountains in the distance to the south, those are called the Firewall Mountains," Garret explained. "Basically, the world has four absolute boundaries, and over those mountains are one of them. There's this line that if you cross, you burn to ash instantly. And that ocean to the west of Kitsune Forest is another. If you go far enough out to sea, a giant Digimon eats you," he continued as he pointed at the map.
"Yeah that would be 'absolute,' wouldn't it?" Lloyd replied as he smiled. "So you've been almost everywhere on this side of the river? What's on the other side?"
"I don't really know. There are a lot of Perfect Digimon on the north side of the river so I've avoided it. That's why I want us to get to Perfect, then we can go there safely. We can beat some of them, but enough of them can cut through chrome Digizoid that we need more power. Oh, by the way, let me give you some healing items."
Via the DAIS link, Garret transferred something that was labeled as "Data Repair S x3." Lloyd followed the prompt to use one, and Trance's HP slowly recovered to full.
"T-thank you," the rejuvenated fox said to his tamer. "I feel much better."
When they entered the room, they found a much bigger Digimon consoling Armadimon. A mole bigger than a polar bear pet the smaller Digimon and reassured him before he realized the others stood there. He had cream fur covering his arms and belly. His top half, on his back and skull, had plum colored fur. Iron drills were found in place of claws, and another much larger drill extended from the tip of his snout where a nose would be.
Initially, it was a shock to confront the other Digimon. Ward was prepared to dive in claws first. It only took a moment to see that the mole was a gentle soul. Although he cowered at the sight of four intruders, he stood tall in protection of Armadimon. "W-what are you doing here?" he stuttered. "Stay away from Armadimon! You'll have to f-fight me first!"
"Don't worry!" squeaked the carapaced Digimon. He came out from behind his protective friend. "They said they would help me. You came back so you must have beat that scary guy, right?"
"What scary guy?" Garret asked.
"If there was someone to beat up, you should have asked us!" Ward exclaimed while he showed off his muscle tone.
Lloyd thought it best to not point out that the "scary guy" was in their presence. The two native Digimon were frightened enough as it was. He knew their help would be invaluable, so he tried to convince them he was not a threat.
"Look, you won't have to be scared of that anymore. We took care of it. Is something going on here?"
"Armadimon, stay away from them! We don't know what they or where they came from. I'll p-protect you."
"No, it's okay, really!" Lloyd insisted. He desperately held up and shook his hands. "We're not here to hurt anyone, we're travelers in search of information. We found Armadimon hiding in here, so we went to fight the Digimon that he ran away from. That's all."
"Drimogemon. Adult Level, Data, Nature Spirit. Travels through tunnels in the ground with its Drill Spin. Physically strong, but not a good combatant on account of its timid disposition," Garret read from the DAIS scan. "Looks like he's nothing to worry about, Lloyd. Let's move on."
"That thing you're holding!" Drimogemon gasped. He dragged Armadimon further away. "You're with Chartreuse, aren't you? Leave us alone! We're just honest working Digimon with nothing to hide!"
"Who is Shar-Troose?" Ward interrupted.
"Did you really have to scan him while we were talking?" Lloyd scolded under his breath. At least it pushed the conversation somewhere. "Is that who you meant before? Is Chartreuse one of the twins?"
"I dunno," Garret said as he shrugged. "But look," he told Drimogemon. "We're not them. We're looking for them. Do you know where they went?"
Drimogemon shook his head. "Are you really not with Chartreuse? Why do you have one of those? Who are you?"
"We have never seen them before," Lloyd explained sincerely. "We don't know why we have these. If you're saying that he has one, too, then we would like to talk to Chartreuse. Do you have any idea what they came here for? Or what...species they are?" He wasn't sure if that was the right word. He surmised that if Chartreuse was a nickname like Trance or Ward, then kind of Digimon itself must have a name to track by the scanner.
"I'm not sure," the bear mole replied and hanged his head low.
There was a brief pause before the aloof fox cut in. "You're lying." He stared with his frozen orbs. Two stern words and a cold stare was all he needed.
You really have a knack for that, Lloyd thought. It's kind of scary.
The colossal burrower looked even more flustered than before. "I-I was told not to say anything, I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!"
"Who told you not to say anything? Chartreuse?" Trance pressed.
Still reluctant, Drimogemon was sworn not to divulge this information to anyone. No one in Digizoid Quarry was a warrior, so there wasn't anywhere else to turn. They surely knew nothing of Chartreuse or they would not have asked so many questions, he reasoned.
"I suppose I can tell you. If they aren't stopped, it won't matter anyway. I know what they came here for, but the Royal Knights made us promise to keep it a secret. Down below in the caves, if you go to the very end, there will be a chamber made of solid red Digizoid. No one should be able to get in or out except for the Royal Knights. I'm sure that fiend has a way, though."
"What exactly have they done that everyone is so afraid of them?" Lloyd asked. He thought it important to get some preface before heading into an encounter. If there has been that much of a fuss over them, perhaps a fight isn't a good idea. I have to find out more before we think of chasing them.
"I'm surprised you haven't heard the rumors. Chartreuse performs miracles with that thing you're holding. Change the weather, turn time forward, teleport anywhere he wants, even make objects and Digimon out of thin air! Most importantly, they have never been bested by any Digimon. They evade even the Royal Knights.
"They sound tough, these Royal Knights. Who are they?" Garret went for the topic both tamers wondered about.
The dragon bounced with arms outstretched. "I know! I know! The Royal Knights are the strongest Digimon in all of Arcadia. They are sworn to uphold network security and defend our world from corruption. It's a famous legend that everyone knows around Dramon Valley. They're the good guys, we won't have to fight them."
Again Trance interjected in a cold monotone. "Then we have a problem. If the strongest Digimon can't deal with Chartreuse, neither can you or me. That means we mustn't fight."
"Please keep that in mind, Garret," the older tamer said. "I only plan to ask for information. It sounds worth checking into that room he's looking for, too. Drimogemon, could you show us the way?
"I must get the child to safety. I can tell that you are all strong, but be careful. It's okay to let him escape. Let the Royal Knights take care of it." Drimogemon retrieved his charge by picking him up, much to the armadillo's chagrin. He began to head towards the surface.
"Just one more question if you don't mind. I'll understand if you don't want to tell me. Do you know what is down there that needed to be so well protected?"
The burly Digimon scratched under his chin. "Not that I recall. No. When Dynasmon came to us that day, we led him to the deepest part of the caves. We were turned away so that he could seal the chamber in privacy. Not a single one of us has knowledge of what lies beyond that wall. I can tell you this, though. Whatever is there, it's vital to the safety of the network. No one has tried to steal it before now. If someone wants to get their hands on it, it can only be for nefarious purposes.
The dragon was roused by the mention of one of the Knights. "D-Dynasmon!? He was here? He's like, one of my idols! Oh boy, if only I got to meet him. I bet he's as cool as they all say!"
"Hey, we should get going if we're going to catch them," Garret reminded the group as he motioned with his thumb towards the tunnel.
Lloyd nodded. "Right. Drimogemon, thank you for answering my questions."
"Be careful down there, young ones. Good luck."