I decided to give Alice an alter ego. haha ;;;; She will flip out when she hear specific noises that reminds her of the war, just like Flippy from HTF. Yes, it's inspired from that bear. ♥ She won't flip from all the noises that reminds her of it, I have only selected a few. Otherwise, no one can be around this chick. xD
I didn't do as all other evil sides look like; red eyes and everything that's obvious. I decided to give "Evil Alice" a green emerald eye color with some hints of blue in it. I also gave her some dark circles under her eyes, to make her look scary. /////
I kind of used a base for this headshot, like the hand pose and the pose overall actually. I didn't straight up take it and drew her on there, though. But I think it's still a way of using the base!