At very first sight of Her sprite I thought that She was a dude! But I realized my error really quickly. :P I also saw Sans in a tux...And I grew up in the 80's, I should have a better imagination on sprite art!!! :I After these mistakes I went to Undertale wiki and read about how main characters should look like...just in case.
At very first sight of Her sprite I thought that She was a dude! But I realized my error really quic
Yup...but the wiki gives a really fine description about clothes and colors. Your Sans is spot on with the clothes and character! Great work...all of them!
Yup...but the wiki gives a really fine description about clothes and colors. Your Sans is spot on wi
I was around from pong, pac man, and space invaders, and had an Atari home entertainment system too...I'm used to low graphics. But the thing you artists do are a different level: Making pixel art to hq
I was around from pong, pac man, and space invaders, and had an Atari home entertainment system too.
I was around from pong, pac man, and space invaders, up until today. and had an Atari home entertainment system too...I'm used to low graphics and can enjoy those games immensely too for what the yare. But the thing you artists do are a different level: Making pixel art to HQ art. Respect!
Also Toby Fox deserves a f*cking medal and a job at some big gaming company. He did what most game-creating companies can't: Making interesting and funny characters, making each fight count, each decision have a consequence, and mixing it with a creative battle system and awesome music...This game has the magic. This game is above most high-funding game today. Toby fox beat the game industry on His own (mostly..saw the credits). A feature that is almost inhuman! I am giving respect where it's due...He should be given a job at Bethesda Softworks...He is the only person who can save that company at failing...But He deserves better. Good game. Good game... </should have two shots less to be sober>
I was around from pong, pac man, and space invaders, up until today. and had an Atari home entertain
:D the SNES came to life around the same time I did!
I actually really enjoy the way one's imagination can fill the lack of details in most pixel art (there IS very detailed pixel stuff, too!). In a way, it makes the game more about playing it, and experiencing it, and less about looking at it.
AND HE DOES! It's such an unique, amazing game! I truly hope he end up making more games with that type of ideas! I love everything about it. And the characters are also very original. A lot of things that you don't often see in popular media. I hadn't felt that... into a game in a while. Or any media in general! And I would want to type a super long thing about how much I loved it, but the fact that right now "Memory" from the OST is playing makes it a bit too sentimental ahahah
:D the SNES came to life around the same time I did! I actually really enjoy the way one's imaginat
My favorite tracks would be: Bonetrousle, Megalovania, The Core, Death By Glamour and Hopes and Dreams...the last one especially. When the music enters the soft state and the lost soul is (souls are) appearing, it's so appropriate: first it's soft, made me realize what I have lost, and made me wanted to get it back, and just about, when the memories started to gather and fill the lost soul, the face(s) become clear, personalities restored, and the soft music becomes strong again! I simply had an orgasm in my ears. i know it was random, but the timing of the music and happening were nothing sort of perfect. This was the scene: When I saw Undyne's huge smile, I was overflown with joy, and filled with hope...and determination. Music was timed perfect, had a big crush on my soul! ☺♪ ♫
My favorite tracks would be: Bonetrousle, Megalovania, The Core, Death By Glamour and Hopes and Drea
Hopes and Dreams comes close second for me!! But the fight itself makes it... different to listen to, if that makes sense. Like, listening to it on its own, without knowing what happens during the fight it's played doesn't have the same effect O:
Hopes and Dreams comes close second for me!! But the fight itself makes it... different to listen t