this is a rough sketch of a War Squid from my living wasteland concept. Its really rough I may clean it up later and redo some of the mounts
War Squids are some of the largest airships used by Paracities in combat (squids for fighting octopus for trade), these are tiny when compared to a biotitan though. And this isn't even the largest type of war squid they breed
The war squids are engineered with huge gas bladders, and there highly effecient nanite collonys keep them aloft. how ever since they are essentially lighter then air vessels weight is a factor instead of being armed with heavy projectile shot they carry powerfull energy weapons. ranging from focused sonics, to bioluminescent laser cannons. although there lower deck also carry gravity bombs either the explosive or hungry kinds. and they have been enginiered to be able to generate massive chargers of electrical energy that they can discharge when fighting with there two paddle like hunting arms
9 years, 4 months ago
21 Oct 2015 04:02 CEST
Initial: 4650943a2cb2fbdec4897641baad6c20
Full Size: 0f28dbc82a243c353427840fd62e5166
Large: 1f365e499ed9b43e0bfe2540c0185c79
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