A green seamousie being a bit of a figurative green-eyed monster _____
Spazzy-Boom's girlfriend and the youngest of the five main characters, the diminutive seamousie Riverbisquit sometimes gets a bit jealous of the legged races. Even though she's a strong swimmer and can stand and walk – just – on land, she needs something like crutches or a walker if she wants to get about properly and that bugs her on occasion.
Perhaps not the best drawing of Riverbiscuit, so I'm going to blame my being out of shape, artistically-speaking. :p I'm not used to drawing a picture every day, so this sketch series hopefully will help me build up some stamina. But I clearly need to shore up my discipline. You might say my eyes are a bit green when I look at better artists who can churn out pictures at a faster pace than I normally do. :p
Plus, it seems I can't decide on how to spell Riverbis(c/q)uit's name. :/