Aww thank you! ^^ and it's ok! Um.l but I should say, before I fell in love with newt, I kinda secretly started shipping hydra and Alexis ^^; I was gonna tell you, but then your account got banned. But then I fell in love with newt, and I sorta did ship alexis and hydra still, but never told anyone, I had to tell you, it hurt me keeping this secret from you..
Aww thank you! ^^ and it's ok! Um.l but I should say, before I fell in love with newt, I kinda secr
Yeah.. It's a little embarrassing, but, for the gift I made for you on da, were you hitting on me with what you said~? ;) referencing to what you said on this pic XD newt said you were hitting on me.
Yeah.. It's a little embarrassing, but, for the gift I made for you on da, were you hitting on me wi