Tiene pinta de ser muy bueno, me encanta Krystal :3 Aunque nunca me ha convencido ese uniforme rosa, a pesar de no haber llegado a jugar al Starfox Command
Tiene pinta de ser muy bueno, me encanta Krystal :3 Aunque nunca me ha convencido ese uniforme rosa,
Also I'm pretty sure this is a tie-in to Star Fox Armada for Nintendo DS, I got all the endings but can't remember what the second ending was about, in the first one Slippy married an ugly toad XD
Awesome! Love Krystal (but who doesn't XD) Also I'm pretty sure this is a tie-in to Star Fox Armada
I think the second ending is when Fox and Krystal decide to retire from Star Fox to start a family, Marcus is born, and years later he becomes the leader of a new Star Fox.
I think the second ending is when Fox and Krystal decide to retire from Star Fox to start a family,