- Helping Hand = The user assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally's attack.
- Dizzy Punch = The target is hit with rhythmically launched punches. This may also leave the target confused.
- Copy Cat = Causes the user to unleash the same move as the last one used by the facing enemy. Some moves can't be copied.
- Bounce = The user bounces up high, then drops on the target on the second turn. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Nature: Impish
Characteristic: A little quick tempered
Sexual Orientation: Toughsexual "Ain't strong, better keep hoppin. Hehe, love you."
Status: Single
History: As a small pokette hatched on an island, Bon-Bon quickly learned that she had to toughen up to get the respect she felt she deserved, being a single daddy's only little girl. However this was a tough task for her, made even harder when she tends to bite off more than bunny could chew. And having a unique body type, she kept getting teased by other pokes of various ages, making her feel secure. Instead of cutting herself and self pity, she kept picking fights, often leading to her making a fool of herself. Bon-Bon would go out to pick a fight with several opponents or one big tough one clearly out of her league. This left her to either fight till she either won or only had enough energy to Run Away. With her father often away on business, she felt very lonely. The Buneary would always put on a act, making sure her father never saw how lonely she truly was. Every day living in the Loppy cabin, she looked at the mailbox wondering when the next postcard or letter would come. Her practical brother, Solire was there to fill in some gaps in her life. Though this also meant he was usually dragged into predicaments Bon-Bon no doubt escalated, making them grow strong as one of the island's strongest tag team pokes.
Eventually, Mr Loppy brought Bon Bon and Solire along on their travels in a special RV due to the need to build stronger family bonds. This had Bon Bon to get more acquainted with a Ninetales called Anew Nine, her homeschool teacher and would-be stepmom, being Mr Loppy's old sweetie. These travels had them going across the ocean to some exotic places, uncovering relics of the past to be cataloged. Bon Bon and Solire have been sharpening their skills with the local kids wherever they stayed in an area. Bon Bon eventually learned how to use her bottom heavy body to her advantage, both on and off the battlefield. If it was either using her lower gravity weight or charm, this plump princess tried to make sure she got her way. Over the years, their travels led them to Altaria Bay, where Bon Bon's father met an old friend and business partner. In Altaria bay, Bon-Bon will make sure every Poke and Pokette know who their eyes should be on. Pokemon of Altaria Bay and beyond best watch out for the so called Island princess, The Brusing Bun! "I'll bruise your body, and make your heart ache!" *Winks*
Personality: Adventurous / Big Thinker / Show-Off
(+) Adventurous - Bon Bon loves trying new things, in hopes of being great at it.
(O) Big Thinker - She often does things without thinking about the little important things. "I don't care if I need badges to enter this league. When they see my moves, they'll be BEGGING for my participation."
(-) Show-Off - Bon Bon loves showing off what she can do. She'll probably end up trying to steal the show from anyone else involved without realizing it.
Likes: Colorful and pretty drinks, trying on new outfits, gardening, attention, shopping, riding boats, her family, tougher pokes, her phone, delicious cuisines, hanging out with her brother, gambling, learning new things, Animal Crossing
Dislikes: Swimming, showboaters, not having the newest gadget, Solire's superstitious tendencies. being ignored, being alone, boring food, being called "Bun Buns" or any related name. extra work, her dad or Solire getting attention from any temptress, not being able to fit something around her large rump
Job: "Who needs a job when daddy will get me what I wan-....DAAAD! WHY NOT!?" Currently looking for some quick Pokedollars
Trivia: - Being an island girl, Bon Bon just as amazed by big cities as her brother, Solire - She shows a fondness for big masses of water, but she fears it too. - She has a temper when she doesn't get her way, cranking up her sassiness - She gets jealous when another pokette focuses on her brother, like her teacher or any gal with her dad. - She gets depressed thinking about others having fun. and often drags Sol or any nearby Poke around to do things together or risk having a Monophobic attack