shadow boom confirmed bread. lmao i was having a convo with a friend and i thought to myself.. shadow boom is legit just angry, bread...thats how useless he is in terms of character
honestly ask yourself what does shadow boom give in terms of attitude and everything, that an angry bread shadow doesn't... 8I think about it. heck bread shadow will give u carbs >8U at least thats something namnamnam idk i was being random. bread shadow best shadow.
I remember having a conversation with someone and we thought he was gonna end up a mustache short of being a hedgehog Tom Selleck for some reason, Magnum P.I. style
I remember having a conversation with someone and we thought he was gonna end up a mustache short of
Tell you the truth I think Shadow was always the same from SA2 He didn't seem to have a bland personally, there probably just you know starting over all his character development Or they probably added Shadow in the show because of fan service, the cartoon knows how to get higher viewers by putting characters everyone enjoy seeing, I wouldn't be surprise if they added Rouge or Blaze into the show but I can imagine they would cover up Rouge.
But overall I don't think it was bland, it seem to be the old Shadow we knew, I do hope they do keep him and having developed to be a better person or at least a plot? I don't watch the show because ehhhh yeah, no story to it and sadly the game didn't even have one to understand, I mean at least Generation had one for a while lol
Tell you the truth I think Shadow was always the same from SA2 He didn't seem to have a bland perso
its a kid's show, so they'll ruin shadow's character. seriously, somebody needs to just do a reboot of Sonic Satam. Get the rights from those archie guys, get the Mobius Universe back in and back for adults, meaning; struggle, loss, a few risque adult jokes, actual fighting, stories with a plot... sigh, whom i kidding...
its a kid's show, so they'll ruin shadow's character. seriously, somebody needs to just do a reboot