New character time!
His name is Sander. He's a wolf, and a vampire. He's physically 9 years old, and chronologically 750 years old. He's friendly, incredibly intelligent, and tries to lead a normal life. A vampire, he's got hunger for blood, is immortal, burns in direct sunlight, all that good stuff.
But he's gotten around the burning thing, with a special umbrella for when he's forced outside, and stays indoors all day otherwise. He tends to live in areas that are crowded with buildings, well shaded, and/or dark and stormy the majority of the year.
Because staying physically 9 in one place for too long would draw too much suspicion, he's mastered the art of faking his own death or disappearance, and regularly moves to new places under a new identity. Though he tries to avoid it, if he makes a really good mortal friend, he'll come visit them on occasion or keep in contact as their new identity. As a rule, though, he never turns any mortals he meets, no matter how good of a friend they are, and how much they may think they want it.
By day, he attends a school, to take suspicion off of himself. Due to centuries of practice, he excels in most academic subjects, and is constantly many grades ahead. However, when it comes to subjects such as history and social studies, he's constantly failing and getting in to fights with other students and even teachers, because he keeps trying to call out the falsified and whitewashed view of the world and its past.
Having been a scared, young immortal long ago, by night he runs a secret society dedicated to helping immortals who were turned young cope with their new state, deal with certain urges, and gather the resources they need to ensure they are safe, As a part of this, he is indirectly responsible for tons of medical fraud, diverting vital blood resources towards feeding local vampires. On the plus side, it's been decades since he's had to bite anyone to feed.
Well, that's all for now. More on him with time.
9 years, 5 months ago
24 Sep 2015 04:21 CEST
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