Yum, what very lovely musculature underneath all those clothes. I've always imagined him to very solid and quite strong, after all, he practices with his sword all of the time and is an excellent samurai to boot.
Yum, what very lovely musculature underneath all those clothes. I've always imagined him to very sol
:D thank you so much! To me too Usagi is slightly muscular and slim shaped but still fast and strong (since power isn't just huge muscles). Our Mister Bunny is perfect samurai :)
:D thank you so much! To me too Usagi is slightly muscular and slim shaped but still fast and strong
Awwhh, thank you so very much! ^////u////^ <3 Usagi is so lovely character and lovely to draw but still I don't draw him as much as I would love to... Maybe that will change someday :D
Awwhh, thank you so very much! ^////u////^ <3 Usagi is so lovely character and lovely to draw but st