You can probably guess where my weekend went. I feel so dirty for being so unproductive. One day I might come back and draw more (non-spoiler) stuff from this game. Which is hard, because almost everything about Undertale is a spoiler.
Everybody is playing this game now. XD How did everyone find out about it anyway? I don't even remember anyone mentioning it when the demo came out two years ago! But now? Everyone's playin' it. So cool~
Everybody is playing this game now. XD How did everyone find out about it anyway? I don't even re
Admittedly, I was super hyped about it when it was released as a demo, but I stopped keeping track of it and only found out through a friend that it'd been released. I'd have drawn Toriel back then if I'd felt like I could do her justice, but even now I'm not really sure I could. I'm not even sure where I heard about it back then, honestly...
Admittedly, I was super hyped about it when it was released as a demo, but I stopped keeping track o