This is the official portrait of my Naktiansona (Naktian fursona), Ther'Den of the Gahju clan, a young Tokaya scribe who lives in the village of Mughar, Faza province, Abun.
Ther'Den comes from Lah'Gdum, a town in the Or'Mat province, he moved to Faza to study as a scribe, going against the will of his father, who wanted him to become a spices merchant like him. He successfully graduated in the High Studies at the Temple of Quaneth in Rak'Sada and became the official manager of the Sul'Hat chancery of Mughar.
He also works as a notary and a scribe for illiterate, and lives in a modest mud house built by himself, with his dog, a female S'Baad called Tsabhi. He's 24 years old in year 2228 and single. His biggest wish is to meet Queen Kaliendra.
The equipment he usually carries is his walking staff, a satchel with Sid (Abunese currency) and two Len, a bronze dagger, and a larger satchel containing his writing tools, a blank scroll of papyrus and some Ge'Ka shards to write drafts.