New Pokeyman OC because I obviously don’t have enough as is.
Species: Banette/ Marionette Pokemon
Full name: XD299
Nickname: Demise
Gender: Female
Type: Ghost
Strong against: Poison, Bug, Normal, Fighting, and Shadow types
Weak against: Ghost and Dark types
Moveset: Hex, Shadow Break, Will-O-Wisp, Attract
Height: 3'8" ( counting the ears )
Weight: 26.9 lbs
Ability: Cursed Body
Level: 50
Nature: Lonely
Hold Item: None
Age: 19,396
Death Date ( not birth date; he's a ghost ) : May 31
Description: A crafty, untrusting, kitty-cat-looking Shadow Banette.
Before becoming a Banette, Demise was originally a little gray stuffed kitten doll who belonged to a young human girl. Demise was the girl’s favorite toy—this kid took her everywhere with her from the age of 3 to the age of 5. Demise was happy this way, spending every spare minute her owner had with her…
Then the girl eventually outgrew Demise. Gradually she was played with and held less and less… She wound up on a bookshelf collecting dust and watching her owner play videogames and watching T.V. all the time. She’d completely forgotten all about her little kitty...
After a year or so of this, the girl’s mother was cleaning up her room while she was at school. She took one look at Demise and muttered to herself, muttering something along the lines of, “Can’t believe she still has this ratty little thing in her room… Course if I throw the freakin’ thing away I just know she’ll suddenly decide to care about it again…” and settled on putting Demise away in a cardboard box in the back of her owner’s closet, along with other abandoned belonging and knickknacks, not to mention all the dust.
Years passed this way. The closet would be freezing cold for a while, then boiling hot at other times, like clockwork. Demise remained stuck in that box, and was gradually buried under more and more of her owner’s refuse, slowly losing the hope that she would ever be held or loved again.
But then one day someone opened the box.
Demise was overcome with joy to see her owner again, even if she only barely resembled the same little girl. She was nearly an adult by this time. Still, she gave a small smile, picking Demise up out of the box and holding her for a moment… But then she spoke.
“Oh my God… Why the Hell do I even still have this?” she laughed to herself, head shaking. “Ugh I can’t believe I actually used to like this thing as a kid…”
“What is it?” A male human about her age came over, took one look at Demise, and made a face. “You were a weird little kid, weren’t you?”
“Oh shut up!” she grabbed Demise by the tail and hit him with her, laughing.
“So what are you gonna do with it?”
“Pfft, I dunno. Throw it away I guess. No kid would want this ugly old thing, not even on eBay.”
“Aw that’s not fun. I say we shoot at it.”
“Sure dude whatever I really don’t care…”
Utterly destroyed, Demise was tossed into another box, and carried away… She recognized the sound of riding in a car, like she’d done so many times with her owner so long ago. Eventually it stopped, just as it always did. She was soon removed from the box by the male human, and tossed down into the dirt. Minutes later, her owner watched her boyfriend shoot Demise into pieces of torn gray plush, stuffing, and two buttons for eyes… Then what was left of Demise’s body was burned…
Her sadness and anger was so deep-rooted after this that her spirit lived on as a Shuppet in the Pokemon world, more specifically in the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City. There she evolved and met Peril and Grievous, the former of which took a more intimate interest in her. She eventually came to enjoy their company, and rather liked to scare humans out of their wits with her new friends, but refused Peril’s advances each and every time.
Then she was captured by Cipher and made into a Shadow Banette. She was put into the tank next to MaJa’s and above Nightide’s, and got along with them well.
She is otherwise somewhat antisocial and not very talkative with anyone she doesn’t know well. Due to the insults she received as a toy regarding her appearance, she is still very self-conscious of her looks and takes it very seriously when they are insulted. However, she still couldn’t bring herself to hate children and does love to play with young Pokemon. She is very pessimistic. She enjoys having her powers and loves to battle, but definitely knows her own limits and never takes risks, usually using a combination of Attract, Will-O-Wisp and Hex, though she finds the move Attract to be degrading. She secretly would like to date Peril but would never admit that to anyone, including herself. She’s very crafty, both in battles and pranking. She still finds it hard to put trust in anyone or anything after what happened to her, and carries a bit of a resentment toward males in general. She will quietly sing alone when upset; usually songs with brooding tones and/or depressing lyrics, such as many of Disturbed’s songs. She’s still very apprehensive about childrens’ toys and will immediately make up an excuse to leave the room if there is a child playing with one. She also gets upset at anything that reminds her of her owner (even as a child), such as Barbie dolls and pretend dress-up outfits. She hates humans.
Most likely due to previously being a kitten doll, she has a more catlike appearance than the average Banette, with triangular ears and a cat tail with a purple tip. Her arms, stitched visibly at the shoulders, are also purple, as is the small stitched heart patch on her chest and her eyelids. Her zipper is metallic silver and more jagged than most Banette, looking somewhat more like Sableye teeth, though her teeth aren’t nearly as sharp. Her eyes are more torn than most Banettes’, and her claws are sharper, along with the addition of thumbs. Her legs are not quite as stubby as most members of her species, and she’s a bit thinner, with a more feminine figure. Her eyes are like glowing blue cat eyes with pure white pupils, and her tongue is the same color of blue. The rest of her is dark, warm gray.
Trivia/ Details: Ironically, though she is very skilled at sewing and will do so if one of her seams pops or something along those lines, she has a fear of needles.
Favorite food: chocolate
Favorite drink: vanilla milkshakes
Favorite TV show: Confessions: Animal Hoarders
Favorite music genre: brooding metal rock
Favorite color: lavender
Favorite movie: Insidious
Favorite book: The Amityville Horror
Favorite season: summer
Favorite holiday: Halloween
Favorite hobby: playing pranks
Favorite webshow: The Nostalgia Chick
Favorite opponent in battle: none
Likes: kids, sweets, summer rain, and Peril.
Dislikes: broken toys, canines, Disney princess movies, the color pink, Barbie dolls, needles, perverts, South Park, and upbeat music.
Demise, Peril, Grievous © Me
Banette, Haunter, Gastly © Nintendo
13 years, 11 months ago
15 Apr 2011 03:10 CEST
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