Age: 9 (Terran)/ 36 (Terradynian) Sex: Male Height: 3'5 Weight: 80lbs Eyes: Green Tail length: 2'4
Bai (left) and Chi (right) are twins and are the pride and joy of their parents despite them being adopted.The two were adopted shortly after birth. Bai fell in love with pirates after learning about them in her Earth studies class, hoping to be a pirate one day, her brother Chi is a hopeless romantic.
I bought the Chan clan from spacerox when she put them up for grabs. Due to a misunderstanding, the female belongs to another player, so her name has been struck from the submission until I find another character that fits the name.
Sadly both cracky and spacerox has deleted the pic from their galleries so am unable to link you to the original, however...
Please go and give cracky your love, pageviews, watches, love, shouts, comments, love, faves and if she is doing them, commissions, and when you do, please, I beg of you, please tell her that Ainoko sent you her way.
Also please go and give spacerox your love, pageviews, watches, love, shouts, comments, love, faves and if she is doing them, commissions, and when you do, please, I beg of you, please tell her that Ainoko sent you her way.
Art (c) cracky Bought from (c) spacerox Imōto Chan, Yaweh Chan, Bai Chan and Chi Chan (c) ainoko