Character Sheet for Beetle
Character Description
She is a young teen filly with a love and passion with all bugs and insects, she loves to keep them, study them and be around them, and even has the ability to understand and even control them.
She also uses a skateboard to get around at times, and overall loves to travel with her adoptive family.
She also doesn't mind to make friends as well, despite the fact that she is part of a traveling merchant family that constantly goes from one place to the next with there newly acquire private train which is equipped with a larger long house wagon, lots and lots of cargo wagons for obvious reason and of course a very larger powerful steam train at the front.
Childish, hyper, tomboyish at times, kind, wild, naughty, silly
Likes: Bugs, insects, skateboard, load music, nature, pranks, comics,
Dislikes: Bullies, wolfs, homework, chores, loosing, bitches.
In her past when she was still a very young foal she was lost and abandoned within a deep and dark forest. Lost, abandoned and afraid she quickly was forced adapt and improvise in order to stay alive, hide away from predators and scout the undergrowth for possible food and water sources. Days became week and weeks became months, but over that time she managed to find food and water with the help of little insects and bugs that she came accustomed too, fallowing them around and letting them lead her to possible water and food sources. Thanks to them she was able to survive the harsh months alone in the wilderness and also getting her cutie mark and love for them until finally in one fateful day she was finally found and adopted by a family of traveling merchants that where passing by. With a new family to love her and a new safe place to call home Beetle began to spend the upcoming years traveling with her new family all across Equestria, meeting new ponies and seeing new places, and spending the time to learn more about all kinds of bugs, insects and creepy crawlers along the way that contributed to her very survival when was abandoned and lost in that deep dark forest many years back.
Her adoptive unicorn family, consisting of a noble rich dad, mom, an older brother and very young little sister.
Loves to wear her signature cap that looks like the back of a ladybug.