so there is already someone training "in secret" that I'm not supposed to know about, for my night audit job at my work. for those of who you have been following me for the past 2 years or more and have heard all of the gripes, complaints, and "I know they are trying to get rid of me, and will never listen to me." it's finally coming to fruition because I stood up to my boss (politely) and told her I'm tired of her lies and trying to shove them down my throat so I believe them. I have a substantial amount of evidence to show they have been ignoring me, not progressing me, and doing everything they could to get me to quit.
I made a promise to the owner (and former GM) of the hotel that "I'll be here until you don't want me, or until you find someone better." obviously they don't want me. so that means unlike the owners and managers, I have kept my promises.
I will never recommend anyone stay at the Holiday Inn Express, or any other hotel ever again in this town. they are all owned by the same family group and they are all cheap with the quality, and charge a fortune for mediocrity.
hell, the owner wouldn't get a security TV when we got the new cameras installed. I mentioned to him about that during that time and he said "well you don't need to know what's going on, as long as I do." yet the ONE person who never does their job mentioned it to him, and he jumped right on getting a 42" tv for the monitors. odd huh? nevermind the night people NEED to know what's going on in the hotel, let's only listen to the day crew.
9 years, 6 months ago
05 Sep 2015 22:45 CEST
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