Attention: they are not Shinx, Psycoduck and Kangashan. They are Blinky Bill (a Koala), Flap Platypus (anornitorincul not a duck) and Splodge Kangaroo. Australian cartoon characters animated by Yoram Gross Productions. Australia is like another planet: full of very different creatures, one of the things because Iliked these series it's because the Koala and the gang are just formed by those rare creatures from there. Along another koala from the same company: Gumbly. It appears on the movie Dot goes to Hollywood. Dedicated to:
Blinky Bill Characters and Gumbly Koala (c) Yoram Gross 16/08/2015 Fanart by: White Demon
You're Welcome WhiteDemon! Now Um Can I Wait On Next Sunday So Can I Be Patient Of The Diapered Pet Shop Were Dancing Of Russell Ferguson Vinnie Terrio Penny Ling Sunil Nevla And Minka Mark With Dancing With Zoe Trent Pepper Clark And Buttercream Sundae?
You're Welcome WhiteDemon! Now Um Can I Wait On Next Sunday So Can I Be Patient Of The Diapered Pet
I can just imagine Splodge thinking 'Gee, I thought I had more then that down below'. :D Blink is probably thinking the same or hope that nobody notices and as for Nutsy, she looks like she has something in store for her and Flap...Like a kiss of course. ;) :D
I can just imagine Splodge thinking 'Gee, I thought I had more then that down below'. :D Blink is pr