Little Fox peeks over Holly’s shoulder as she thinks about trying out the Thursday Prompt for the first time. All he can see is a single word written on the top of the page.
“Holly what is Abbbb.. Abbstan… Abstanan…Abstanance?” Stuttered Little Fox trying hard to pronounce the word as he finds a resting spot on her shoulder.
“Abstinence” replies Hollyfox as she corrects her stuttering companion. “That is when someone decides to not to certain things for a period of time.”
“Oh… Can I abstanance bedtime tonight?” Little Fox smiles with ears perked up.
“Um, No you can not stay up later and that is not exactly how you use that word. The proper use of the word is something like, ‘Molly Bear practices abstinence.’” Instructed Holly as she grabs the little one from the back of her chair and setting him on the floor softly.
“What is Molly Bear not doing?” Asked Little Fox as he pounced Holly’s foot paw.
“Molly is not... umm ... She is not doing grown up things.” Instructed Holly.
“So she does kid things?” Little Fox tilted his head trying to figure out this big word.
“Not exactly, she just doesn’t do some adult thing with other adults.” Holly struggles trying to figure out a way to explain this.
“What things doesn’t she want to do with adults? Can she do them with kids instead?” wondered Little Fox
“Ummm no, that would really be wrong… say... I think it is time for bed!” Holly said quickly nudging Little toward the small bed next to hers.
“Why would it be wrong?” said Little Fox confused.
“I got to ask the birds and the bees, I bet they have a good answer...” dodging the question at paw.
“Wow! Those birds and bees sure must know a lot! How come they never come back with any answers?” wondered Little Fox
“Cause they are really busy doing adult things…” Explained Holly, as she continued tucking Little Fox into his bed.
“I think the birds and the bees need to practice abstanance so they have time to answer my questions!” yawns Little Fox as he gets comfortable with his pillow.
Holly laughed and replied “You know that is pretty good idea!”