Now for a character that's well loved even though she was seen only in Sonic the Fighters, let me introduce Honey the Cat. I made her from looking at a 3D modle that I was able to find of her for a modern Generations look… and after I got the figures I needed I started on her. I used the Blaze and Amy figures to make her but the only think that came from the Amy figure was the legs and shoes, I used super sculpy for her hair andreimed down the spikes on the gloves and went over them with super sculpy to make them smooth, and the lacy hair pins next to her pigtails are made from a this plastic container lid I found also I used a peace of red table cloth for the front of her skirt, and after that a little paint job and then here she is ready for what ever comes her way.
Photography - Fursuit/Sculpture/Jewelry/etc
9 years, 5 months ago
24 Jul 2015 22:04 CEST
Initial: 2b7eb0a97dcc276939373c131ebbf4af
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