Warning: T-cest (Please don't read if you don't like)
Pairings: Raph/Leo, Donnie/Mikey, Casey/April
"I'm super excited for the game tonight!" Mikey says sitting down at the lunch table.
"Mikey you're always excited for every game." Donnie says
"I know I just love hanging out with you guys and getting to watch the game it's always fun."
"Speaking of the game are we meeting at the same time and same place" April asks
"When has it ever changed?" Donnie says
"I know I just thought I would ask." April says with a laugh.
I sit quietly at the lunch table and just listen to the others conversation. I wasn't really interested in talking much myself. I was really tired, last night wasn't exactly the most pleasant moment in my house.
"Are you going to the game tonight Leo?" Raph asks slightly nudging me.
"I don't thinks so I have so much homework to get done."
"Leo you are going to the game!" April says
"April I'm serious I don't think I will have time to go."
"You have to go Leo, that is like a general rule or tradition of sorts in this group. You never miss a game and you never miss Friday Hangout unless you are super sick or their is a family emergency otherwise it doesn't matter how much homework there is you have to go." April says
"Alright, alright I get the point. I'll meet you guys at the diner at 6:00" I say Laughing.
After that was settled the others picked up their conversations and I went back to being quiet. When suddenly I feel Raph stand up and I look at him slightly confused. Lunch was not over yet.
"Hey guys I almost forgot I needed to look something up in the library before my next class. Leo would you mind helping me, I'm not to good at finding information quickly."
"Umm sure. Let me just pack up my stuff here. I'll see you guys later." I say before following Raph out of the lunch room.
I don't ask any questions, but as soon as we come up to the library I start to head that way and you just continue in the opposite direction.
"Raph I though you needed to go to the library."
"Not really I just said that so we could get away, now come on." You say grabbing my hand and leading me outside. We head towards the side of the school where I can see a huge Maple tree and by the looks of it that is where we are going.
We walk under the maple tree and you sit down pulling me with you. You don't say anything so I just wait to see if you had a reason for coming out here.
"Leo you were real quite in the lunch room.... Is everything ok?"
I get it now, obviously I was being too quite and someone noticed. Wasn't exactly what I intended to do it just kind of happened.
"I'm ok I guess."
"Just ok, care to share what's wrong."
"Not at the moment Raph, this is a story for a different day."
"Alright, but just know I am here to listen."
"I know and I really appreciate it Raph." I say and you just smile, but honestly you have no idea how much I really do appreciate you not pushing me to tell you what's going on.
"So are you actually really coming to the game tonight."
"Of course I am. If I don't April would either drive to my house and drag me to the game or she would kill me the next day." I say with a laugh
"Yeah you are probably right there. So would you mind staying after the game with April, Mikey, and Donnie so I can see you?"
"Let me see where I get with my Homework before the game and I'll let you know."
"Fare enough, but it might kind of help if I had your cell phone number so I can text you."
"I didn't even think about that." I say rummaging through my bag to find my cell. Once I find it I hand it to you and you put your number in my contacts list.
"There now I can talk to you even when I don't see you." You say and I smile
Before we know it the bell rings and we are forced to separate. Later that evening though I meet April, Donnie, and Mikey. Thankfully I was able to finish all my homework before the game, which means I can just enjoy the game without having to worry about doing anything besides going to bed when I get home. But first I'm excited to see Raph after the game.
Tonight's team was definitely more of challenge compared to the last team our school played but we still won. April, Mikey, Donnie and myself head down towards the field but it took a few minutes I definitely wasn't expecting it to be this crowded, but finally we manage to find Casey and Raph. You smile when you see us.
"Congrats on another win you guys!" April says grabbing her boyfriends hand. We sit down on the field and talk for a bit. Mikey and Donnie leave after about 10 minutes and I start considering doing the same. April and Casey end up becoming very focused on each other so that just leaves myself and Raph to talk.
"So how come you didn't text me back earlier" you ask and I frown slightly before pulling out my phone to see I had a message from Raph at like 4:00.
"I'm sorry, I don't text a lot and I was just so focused on getting my homework done."
"Well at least I know you weren't ignoring me." you say with a smile
"I wouldn't ignore you Raph."
After a few more minutes of talking I finally am starting to feel how tired I am and I decide it's time I should head home.
"I think I'm going to go home, but I'll see you all tomorrow." I say standing up and you stand up with me.
"You want me to walk you to your car?" You ask and I smile at your offer.
"No I think I'll be ok, it's just across the street and your car is parked on the other side of the school."
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then. Text me when you get home?"
"Yes I'll let you know when I get home Raph."
So after saying goodbye to everyone, I walk across the street to the diner and am just about to get in my car when suddenly someone grabs my arm and throws me to the ground.
"Hey what the hell!" I yell but the person who grabbed me wasn't exactly anyone I wanted to see.... Justin.
"You don't listen to well do you?" Justin says before picking me up and slamming me into the side of the diner.
"What part of stay away from Raph did you not understand. Karai warned you, now it's our turn to make your life hell."
Justin raises his fist and I just close my eyes. I wish I had let Raph walk me back to my car, suddenly a gun shot rang out and Justin dropps his hold of me and turned to see who shot the gun.
"I suggest you leave that boy alone and get off my damn property before I have you arrested for trespassing and beating someone else up." A man says and all I can do sigh in relief. It was Pete the owner of the Diner.
Justin and the others took off, so quick I didn't even have time to comprehend what was going on until Pete was offering his hand to help me up.
"Come on son, let's go inside and I'll get you something to drink. On the House."
I nod my head and take his offer. Once we are in the diner, I sit down in the booth Pete points at and immediately pull out my cell phone, finding Raph's number I call him.
"Are you home already?"
"Raph can you come over to the diner, there was a small incident." I say in such a shakey voice that you don't even take the time to reply and before I know it you're running through the doors of the Diner.
I get up and immediately you pull me into my embrace and all I can do is cling to you. I'm shaking like crazy.
"Leo what happened?" You ask in panicky tone. I take a deep breath before I can reply.
"Justin and a couple other guys grabbed me and threw me to the ground before I could get in my car. Then he picked me up and pinned me to the side of the diner." I say in a real quiet voice.
"Are you fucking kidding me! Are you hurt?"
"I might have a couple bruises but otherwise I think I'm ok."
"That son of a bitch has officially just crossed the line." You say and just hug me tighter which I'm great-full for.
"Hello Raphael! It's been a while since I've seen you" Pete says walking in the room with 3 Rootbeer floats, he must have seen Raph come into the diner.
"Hi Pete. It's nice to see you too, I just wish it was under better circumstances."
"I agree son, but on the bright side Leo didn't get hurt."
"Thank you for what you did." I say sitting back down in the booth, Raph sitting down next to me.
"Not a problem. Any friend of Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, April and Casey is a friend of mine." Pete says
We all talk for a few minutes enjoying our floats and when we've all finished Pete get's up grabbing the glasses to go clean them up. Raph suddenly wraps his arm around me and grabs my hand with his other free hand. I just lean into your embrace and enjoy the comfort.
"I'm so sorry Leo."
"For what Raph?"
"For not being there for you. I told you I wouldn't let Justin bother you and I failed to keep my word."
"Raph there was no way you could have known Justin was going to attack me."
"I know" You say very quietly and lean your forehead against mine.
"All right you kids. I'm going to be heading out. You're welcome to stay if you like, just please make sure you lock the door behind you." Pete says pulling on his jacket.
"That's ok Pete we should be getting home anyway. Thank you for the offer though." you say standing up and then offering to help me up. I take your hand but when I get up we don't separate.
"Ok then you kids have a good day at school tomorrow."
We say our thank you's and goodbyes before we walk over to my car. You are now parked beside me which makes me happy to see you didn't leave your car at the school.
I lean against the side of my car and you lean against it as well. We are silent for a few minutes.
"Leo next time I'm walking you to your car. I don't care how far away I'm parked, I'm not letting you walk to your car alone in the dark again." you say and I smile leaning against you again.
"Thank you for coming over and comforting me Raph."
"I didn't have to think twice about it." Again I smile and you wrap your arms around me.
"I should probably be getting home before my mom starts to worry." I say slightly pulling away and you nod your head. I open my door and get in.
"Goodnight Leo, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight Raph." I say and I see you smile one last time before you close my car door for me. Tomorrow is definitely going to be an interesting day.
To Be Continued!