“Hey girl!” Amy said once I entered her room, “How’ve you been?”
“Everything was great. Also…” I took out the DVD. “I got a vampire anime from the arcade. Sonic, his friends and I went there for the day.”
“You already went on a date?!” Amy said in shock, “You lucky little angel.”
I blushed and looked away, embarrassed.
“We were talking about some rumors that have been going around lately,” Rouge informed me. She always knew about the latest gossip.
“What’s been going around?” I asked her.
“The most famous one as of the past few weeks has been that Sonic and Sally previously dated.”
“But Sonic has always said he’s never dated a girl!” Amy and I both said.
“He’s a hero! Why would a hero like him ever lie?” Amy added.
“Like I said, it’s just a rumor, so people might just be trying to figure out why Sally doesn’t care for him so much,” Rouge reminded us, “Or they’re trying to tease her or something.”
I pondered a bit. “That would make sense… but Sally said they were just childhood friends. They never did anything of the sort.” Even as I said this, I began to feel skeptical about it. Is Sonic and Sally hiding something? I hope that’s not the case. I won’t believe it until I hear it from Sally herself.
Just as I thought that, Sally, Cream, and Venom entered Amy's room.
"How are things?" Cream asked us excitedly.
"What up, my peeps?" Venom said at the same time as Cream. The alien and the rabbit looked at each other in surprise, and then we all laughed.
"Hey Cream?" Amy asked, "What is up with you and Venom?"
"What do you mean?" The orange bunny asked.
"It seems like you two get along a little too well, if you know what I mean," Amy replied, giggling shortly after.
Cream glanced at Venom, blushing a little, and said, "It's not like we like each other that way. I guess we have a lot in common."
As Amy and Cream argued over the rabbit's and alien's relationship, I turned my attention to Sally. She was sitting next to me, and she was looking at me curiously.
"How'd it go?" she asked.
"How'd what go?"
"Your date?" she explained, "With Sonic?"
"Oh! It went great! I think we might even be official," I replied.
Sally then gave me the same sympathetic look that Breezie gave me earlier and opened her mouth, though no words followed. It was like she wanted to tell me something, but she wasn't sure if she should.
"What is it?" I ask her, "You can tell me anything."
Sally stayed silent for a bit, and then she replied, "It's nothing important. I'm...I'm happy you and Sonic are together." She smiled at me to prove it, though she still had that worried look in her eyes. "What will you do tomorrow?"
"I'm planning on going to Sonic's house. Not sure how long I'll stay, though."
Sally looked lost in thought, and I asked her, "I'm just curious, what happened to make you and Sonic drift away if you used to be friends?"
Sally's eyes clouded. "You...you don't want to know... Believe me, you don't."