I've been avoiding the shit out of showing Tyr growing or being macro at all till the story comic was done because Tyr isn't supposed to be affected by anything other than ingestion (and there's still rules for that too) I didn't want to start doing things with Tyr that is not part of his lore untill the comic was done and explained how everything worked.
i watched as i kept missing out on some fun opportunities by trying to be lore accurate. finally i decided "fuck it, next person that mentions they want to see Tyr bigger will be part of a free growth sequence!"
And so :iconDraco-Rex: won the opportunity and will be enlarging Tyr with one of his "high-tech" manual pumps.
Ps. I will not be putting up previews on everything i put on Patreon, only worthwile things like seeing Tyr grow bigger for the first time as a sequence.