Wow, it's been a while since I've been online. Sorry for the absence! Giant Derpy would probably give a great view when looking from down below... I-I mean! This is very cute! Yeah!
Wow, it's been a while since I've been online. Sorry for the absence! Giant Derpy would probably giv
Ah, you have a great love for poor linework! I see! :D But heh, thanks! I don't consider myself a porn artist, so variety is kind of a side-effect of that. Even those two or three pictures which just seem to be about GREAT PONY POUNDING weren't made specifically to titillate or arouse. Silly as it may seem, I usually have some artsy idea somewhere... also I sometimes draw something where I'm thinking, "ah, I can totally draw her butt here" but then I end up drawing something else, hah. :D
Ah, you have a great love for poor linework! I see! :D But heh, thanks! I don't consider myself a po
Ahahaha, yeah, I completely understand (even if I am not like that myself personally). It is actually something I like about your art. Heck, I hope you knew that already, that I am not following you for the porn (though I do like it!). I always think each drawing brings something unique.
(Just to clarify. Those two drawings I linked aren't my favorite overall. Those two are my favorite from a porn perspective.)
Ahahaha, yeah, I completely understand (even if I am not like that myself personally). It is actuall
The idea is that there's a miniature city. Kind of like a cross between an exposition and a theme park. (There's one in town here, so perhaps I've taken this concept for granted!)
The idea is that there's a miniature city. Kind of like a cross between an exposition and a theme pa