Formally known as Cac, Sumac was once an innocent boy, but grew into a bit of a rebellious teen, causing mischief and frequently dodging the police at night. One night however he ran into someone he wasn't expecting, Powersurge. At first he just tried to get away, but when Powersurge went on the pursuit, he was forced to stop and face the superhero. When he did, all Powersurge tried to do was talk him down from doing anymore stupid stuff and suggested he should go home. Sumac didn't really want to listen to his preaching and decided to fight him instead, lunging at him with his claws out. A fight between the two broke out but powersurge refrained from using his powers as not to hurt the misguided teen however this led to him getting knocked down. With Sumac as the winner he laughed a little and went over to take off Powersurge's mask as the final insult. However he received a shock when he saw his own Foster father under the mask. freaked out he backed off before running away.
This is actually unrelated to any of mine or work but i really felt like drawing out this character again. the creature in question was once a Fake Pokemon i created. it's actually 2 creatures with the outer layer being a symbiote. anyway Cac was a character in the same roleplay from 2012 that and i had done. in it Cac was adopted by Powersurge since he was nothing more than either a street urchin or one of muto's experiments, but that was too long ago to remember. anyway i've always loved this design and actually a few things are different about it such as colors and the horn on the forehead, but over all most has stayed the same. as for the name, i realize that Sumac is a type of poisonous plant that can leave scars if one gets it and doesn't tend to it carefully, but i kind of think that name, Sumac, is cool. also Sumac here has the ability to cause a rash similar to that of poison ivy. anyway enjoy! ^w^