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Clawshawt's Gallery (21)

Donnie Shimeji (Download!)

Lemme Just Smooch Your Lips
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I've been wanting to make a shimeji for a long time so I finally buckled down and made Donnie. O▽O <3  

This is my first shimeji and I'm quite proud of it so I hope you like him too. ;w;
I'm not sure if I'll make the other turtles or not since this was a lot of work, but we'll see~

How to use:
1. Download the zip file here:
2. Unzip the folder
3. Double-click 'Shimeji.exe'
The Donnie shimeji should fall from the top of the screen. ^_^

Program menu: (appears when you right-click on the Donnie icon in the bottom right corner of your screen)
- Add more
- Come here!
- Leave just one
- Return my IE (for when your internet windows are kicked offscreen)
- Bye-bye!
^^^(Note: The text might be in japanese but use this list as a guide!)

For the Shimeji to work:
- You need this version of  Java 6 or else the Shimeji won't appear.
- The Shimeji download does not work on Macs. (but you might be able to replace the img folder with a working one)

If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them!

Please enjoy your new Donnie shimeji!

Original shimeji from Group Finity
I used number11train's China Shimeji as a template for this!

male 1,197,776, turtle 10,035, tmnt 9,483, teenage mutant ninja turtles 6,013, donatello 3,644, donnie 1,456, shimeji 152
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 9 years, 8 months ago
Rating: General

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9 years, 8 months ago
Omg :O This is incredible Claw San
9 years, 8 months ago
Thank you so much KawaiiChan! <33 I hope you all have fun with Donnie~ ^v^
9 years, 8 months ago
9 years, 8 months ago
9 years, 8 months ago
YAAY GOOD! >83 I'm so happy you like him it really brings me joy, thank you~ TuT
9 years, 8 months ago
This is the best thing ever!
Please make the other guys! XD
9 years, 8 months ago
Aaahhh thank you!! I might make Mikey next~ =)
9 years, 8 months ago
I love it so much! I have like 20 on my screen and they keep making more. XD
Would love to be able to make these.
9 years, 8 months ago
oh my gosh hes adoreble~!
9 years, 8 months ago
Daww thanks a bunch my friend! ='D <3
9 years, 7 months ago
no problem~ im just having some isues with java so i cant use it but there stil adoreble~
9 years, 8 months ago
Aww, look at the cutie ass tiny donnie! I wanna kiss him!!! Aaahhhh! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
9 years, 8 months ago
Hehehehe thank you!! I'm ecstatic you and others are so fond of him! Knowing that Donnie is making you guys happy means a whole lot. =D
9 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, he's great, but I can't figure out how to make it work on my laptop... can you help me?
9 years, 8 months ago
Okay was he working on a different computer before or do you just have your laptop? To make sure, I must ask are you using a Mac? If yes then there is a way for them to work on Macs but you'll need to follow this tutorial here (click) and if you have Windows PC then try following this tutorial here (click). That tutorial will show you how to change your system locale so I would try that first THEN see if that fixes it. If not then continue following the tutorial. I changed my system locale which fixed my problem. If you have anymore questions I'll try to help you as best I can but my knowledge of shimejis only goes so far. ;u; Good luck! <3
9 years, 8 months ago
this was brought up:
9 years, 8 months ago
Ah bizarre, although I'm not very tech savvy I'll try my best to look into it. So far I've found this link here if you scroll at the bottom under "Runtime Errors" it might give you an idea on what's wrong.
At this point I would try this: Download a different shimeji someone else made and see if that one will work for you. If you have a working shimeji, copy that folder and rename it. Delete the image folder in that shimeji folder, and replace it with Donnie's image folder. The reason to do this is because it’s possible that the program my shimeji was constructed from might be having trouble working with your computer in particular. I’ve had this happen with a digimon shimeji I downloaded. It wouldn’t work, but another one did work so I just replaced the image files in the working shimeji’s folder. =)
Hopefully this works out for you!
9 years, 8 months ago
don't worry, i managed it ")
9 years, 7 months ago
OH HOORAY!!! I'm so glad you got him working! 8D Please enjoy your hundreds of Donnies on your screen! Hopefully soon his brothers will be accompanying him! ;3
9 years, 7 months ago
Thank you~
I can't wait :D
9 years, 8 months ago
okay so I have 20 Donnie's crawling on my  screen, replicating and several engaged in bromances as they hold hands while sitting down close to each other and making it look like they are holding hands, (part of me wishes I could have all 4 turtles, but another part of me just wants Donnie and Raph so my inner fangirl can squee when they sit down and hold hands) It freaked my husband out, he thought I had downloaded some type of japanese turtle virus and was saying that by tomorrow morning my screen would be filled with thousands of these guys. It took me a while but I finally noticed the tiny icon and figured out how to stop the Donnie's from reproducing LOL. So I'm trying to decipher what the commands actually mean... add more is a given and so is just leave one and bye bye, but what exactly does Come Here and return my IE do?
9 years, 8 months ago
Lol!! "Japanese turtle virus" your comment made my night! XD That's so cute though it really does look like they're holding hands when they sit next to each other. =D I would really like to make the other brothers, so far people have requested I make Mikey and Raph next. We'll see who's next to become a shimeji hopefully soon~ :3
"Come Here" means he will follow your mouse! "Return my IE" is when one of those little turds decides to kick your internet window off the screen. XD When you turn you browser window into a smaller box (so it's not full screen) and put it low enough to the bottom of your monitor, Donnie will grab the window, walk with it, then kick it away. It'll be completely out of sight so that "Return my IE" command brings back your browser window. =)
Thank you so much for your comment and I'll make sure Donnie will get to see his brothers as soon as he can. ^_^
9 years, 8 months ago
9 years, 8 months ago
I'm not sure, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that hummerhouse loves Donnie almost as much as I do. We must spread the word to her (im mm guessing they are a "her", my apologies if I am mistaken)
9 years, 7 months ago
I've got a bone to pick with you!  Ever since I downloaded your "japanese turtle virus" it has spread to the rest of the house!!!  My husband bought a small Donatello plushie and has taken to hiding it in a new location every morning (inside my pillowcase, inside my bag, inside my work lunchbox) all with the excuse that "that's what happens when you download computer viruses" and "omg it's spreading!!"  and then I have to explain to the people at my work why I have a ninja turtle in my lunchbox.   His antics have become completely absurd and I'm holding YOU responsible ;-p
9 years, 7 months ago
LOL!!! XD Holy cannoli that's the funniest (and cutest!) story I've ever heard! Hahaha I've created a monster I'm so sorry Ikara! XD
I love that though your comment made my day, now Donnie can keep you company everywhere you go~ ;D
Cheers hun! <33
7 years, 5 months ago
I love this! I do have a question though, I see Don and Mikey but didn't you have Leo and Raph shimeji at one time?
7 years, 5 months ago
Oops sorry for the late reply! I have not made a Leo or Raph shimeji yet but I have started on a Leonardo one. I'd still love to finish them! I've got my hands tied with commissions and real life responsibilities, but I still aim to finish Leo and Raph eventually! :D
Thank you so very much I'm happy you like my little guys! <3
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