Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on June 27th, 2013 04:30 PM.
One night, when everyone else had fallen asleep, Jumbe awoke. The snoring lions weren’t too loud, but he’d secretly played opossum so he could teach Sala something he’d learned long ago from his own mother. Quietly, he rolled onto his belly before getting up on all fours. He crept over to where she was sleeping, curled up next to Vitani. He smiled at the sight before leaning down to pick her up by the nape before creeping out into the cloudless night. He trotted away into the grasslands before sitting down on his haunches, gently laying his daughter down on the cool grass. Sliding down onto all fours, he licked her cheek repeatedly until she awoke with a huge, sleepy yawn. Jumbe gave her a warm smile, “Sala, I have something I want to show you. Look up.” The cub did as he said, letting out a gasp, “Wow! I’ve never stayed up to see the stars, daddy.” She moved around between his front legs, looking up at him. “Daddy, can I get on your back?” “Of course sweetheart,” he said, giving her a warm smile. Sala beamed with glee as she jumped onto his back staring up at the night sky, “It’s beautiful.” Jumbe chuckled, “It is. But there’s a story I want to tell you.” Her father paused, “Long ago, when I was your age, my mother, the matriarch of our clan, took my sister out to tell her about the stars. She didn’t take me because I was a boy, and boy’s aren’t supposed to know about this, but I snuck out anyway and hid in the tall grass, listening.” His eyes gazed over the picturesque night sky, “Look at the stars. The Great Matriarchs of the Past look down on us from those stars. If you ever feel alone, they will always be there to guide you, and one day, so will I.” Sala wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, “But daddy, aren’t matriarchs girls?” Jumbe chuckled, “Yes they are, but sometimes, a male is allowed to join them, only if he is seen as worthy. To this day, no male has yet to join the stars above, I hope to be the first when it is my time.” The cub looked down at him, “But that won’t happen for a long time, daddy.” The big hyena chuckled, “I know, but I thought you should know a bit about my heritage.”