It only fishtails at high speed. Unfortunately, not long after I got this picture done, the deal fell through. Mainly because of the ABS Recommended Mechanic shop doing the annual decided to drag their feet and wanted to deal with non-airworthiness issues. They even tried to get the seller to replace the engine hoses that had only been in the plane for 2 years. Those assholes were just taking that guy to the bank for stupid shit.
It only fishtails at high speed. Unfortunately, not long after I got this picture done, the deal fel
I'm pretty sure after the sale didn't go through, he told them to stop. Most of the stuff we were waiting on for airworthiness were the aluminium upgrades to the flaps and alerons. But the problem is that the shop was one of those restoration places, and they were getting bored.
I'm pretty sure after the sale didn't go through, he told them to stop. Most of the stuff we were wa