Although more and more I start falling away from the furry community and start becoming more of a art appreciator (hell, I have no submissions as of this posting), This still struck up more than enough... Rage I suppose would be an excellent word that I felt that its important enough not only to voice my own opinion, but even to post it in as many places as possible to raise awareness. And even so not just for americans, but everyone (and anyone) who crosses borders.
I cant speak for European, or Asian, or any other nation but America. For obvious reasons, of course.
However, in AMERICA, this is an infringement.
Furthermore, it raises many questions, however.
What is the legal definition of Furry Porn? What are the views upon it, and what exactly makes it/or denies it of being "Bestiality"? Furthermore, is this just a generic attack against furries because the wide spread view is "You're an Abomination?"
To answer these questions, a little homework was needed. I suppose the best place to start is Bestiality.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary ( ), Bestiality is defined as;
1: the condition or status of a lower animal
2 : display or gratification of bestial traits or impulses
3: sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal
Well, we know it obviously as definition 3, sex between a human and a animal (IE, I have sex with my dog). Many furry sites block this, and even some furries have a distaste for such art.
But Definition 2 is what I believe they will be using against us. The DISPLAY or GRATIFICATION of Bestial traits and/or Impulses. What does that mean? It means they can (in a low blow) use that to define Furry Porn we all know and love as Bestiality.
But in defense, It would be (if used in such context), would be incorrect. Definition 2 isnt necessarily used in/for a sexual description. In example, if I wear a fox suit, someone may comment "He looks very Bestial", in the context that I look like a fox. It doesnt mean I'm yiffing a fox, or anything, it just means I'm just into foxes.
But in times like this people are looking for the next big thing to hate. After all, all the bush haters lost their token 3 years ago when Obama was elected, so who to hate now? Why not furries, who SUPPOSEDLY is destroying the very foundation of our lives.
I personally feel, and I would hope that many others will agree with me, that Furry Porn is NOT bestiality. Its an expression of art in its own image, its an escape for some artists, and a way to express their fantasies for others. And now, we're robbed of it. I'm almost scared to think of what might happen if I try going to Canada with a hard copy of Waterways (a Gay teen romance novel by Kyell Gold)
So whats the big deal if we magically prove this isnt Bestiality? I cannot answer that question. Perhaps its a way of Big Brother trying to get their foot in the door to rob more freedoms, Perhaps we just have bad luck in the fact that we have a huge target painted right on our asses.
But however you look at this issue, please look at the bigger picture. Dont support (or fight) this journal because you're a furry, but because you're an american, or someone who does not stand for this injustice. Fight because This is an invasion of privacy, and the theft of Freedom of Speech. Fight because of this Injustice, if not for your own self as a Furry Artist, or if you're like me, an Appreciator of Art.
I know this journal is broken. I've only started writing these things and need to improve in time. I need your feedback and criticism to do this. So as mentioned above, all feedback is always welcomed. is owned by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and used only for reference. Furry News Network (and the story's original poster) are owned by their respective owners, and I take absolutely no credit.
This is merely my way of lashing out randomly and for awareness, I suggest you read the ful story linked at the top of the page to get the full grasp of this issue.
Updates will be made as necessary.
Thanks for your time in reading and I hope you come back soon!
Wow. No wonder the government is almost broke. They're fucking stupid. (forgive the cursing.) I would honestly have to say, that i am starting to be ashamed of being an American citizen.
Wow. No wonder the government is almost broke. They're fucking stupid. (forgive the cursing.) I woul
Cursing is fine =P And I dont blame you. Its pretty obvious its fantasy, and anyone who cant define the differences between Fantasy and Reality shouldnt really be out in public imo.
Its sad, but hopefully its repealed soon.
Cursing is fine =P And I dont blame you. Its pretty obvious its fantasy, and anyone who cant define
To me, this is a laugh-and-a-half. Seriously? They're trying to ban, not only furry porn, but any form of porn from crossing the borders, and if it's violated, then you get jail time for a damned drawing or legal pornagraphy? X'D
To me, this is a laugh-and-a-half. Seriously? They're trying to ban, not only furry porn, but any