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Keywords assigned male/male 124847, hedgehog 76164, sonic the hedgehog 60342, shadow the hedgehog 17078, sonadow 8935, fluff 5108, marriage 746, engagement 67 suggested shadow uke476
Shadow wandered the halls of the ARK in confusion. Sonic had called him here with no explanation, only telling him to get to the ARK’s science labs.

The place where he was synthesized and given life. He had spent nearly all of his childhood in those labs being poked and prodded and tested. Gerald had done his best to make the process as painless and comfortable as possible, but there was only so much he could do. Maria often held his hand in hers on the worst of days.

He entered the familiar sterile laboratory, expecting the shiny surfaces to be dusty and faded with neglect.

Instead, he blinked in shock. The labs had been polished to pristine condition. It looked as it had fifty years ago when this place had been his home.

Even more surprising than that was the décor. Once severe and serious labs were now made homey with wreaths adorned in fresh flowers.

It was immediately obvious who had done this. Only Sonic would do something so unnecessary and, dare he admit it, touching.

He liked seeing this place restored to shining prestige, and he liked the new additions even more. It made this place almost feel like it did fifty years ago. Still, there was no Gerald or Maria, and never would be again. It wasn’t quite what it had been.

A folded note caught his attention, sitting on a lab table. He unfolded it and read the words within. They were written in Sonic’s familiar messy scrawl, and said,

Every day I’m with you, I’m so grateful you were born. This place should be made beautiful, because it’s where someone as beautiful as you came into this world.

Shadow blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Sonic was such a sap, but it was one of many reasons why Shadow loved him. He’d never been showered with affection in the way Sonic did for him, and Sonic knew that, so he constantly made grandiose gestures of love and declared his feelings to Shadow, just so he would know he was loved.

Shadow folded the note and tucked it away in his quills, intending to add it to the drawer at his bedside where he kept every one of Sonic’s notes and cards he’d given Shadow over the years of their relationship. Sometimes, in the dead of night when Sonic was snoring, Shadow would open up the drawer and read through all the sentimental and affectionate words Sonic had penned for him.

He noticed a trail of flower petals leading off to parts unknown, and Shadow rolled his eyes. Of course Sonic would do something so cliché. Shadow would follow it though. He wanted to know what the payoff was, he needed it like air.

Shadow was led by the petals, roses, Shadow noted. His favorite. It wasn’t very original of him to pick roses as his favorite flower, but he was a sucker for the classics.

He came to a halt when the trail led into what was once his bedroom. He hadn’t originally shared it with Maria, and she still kept her own room when she needed privacy, but she often slept here, in the bed opposite his. They would talk far past their bedtime about all the things they would do together when they went to the planet below.
The window they liked to look out of was wide open, and Shadow could see Mobius spinning slowly beneath them.

Before the sorrow could overcome him, Shadow grabbed for the note lying on his old bed. This room had also been dusted and cleaned to perfection. Sonic was usually such a slob, and Shadow normally did the cleaning in their home. He was touched that Sonic would do something he so despised just to restore his old home to how it once was, if only for a short time.

I wish I could have met Maria, because she was so important to you. I think we would have been friends, from what you’ve said about her.

“You would have been.” Shadow muttered.

She pulled you back from the brink and reminded you of who you really were. I’ll always be grateful to her for that.

Shadow clamped a hand over his mouth as he let out a sob. So much time had passed, and it still hurt him so much that she was gone. But it made it him ridiculously happy to know that Sonic thought of her fondly as well. It made him feel a little less alone in his mourning.

He wiped away his tears and tucked the note away with the other one, and continued down the path of petals.

He was brought to a massive viewing window, one that didn’t have many memories attached to it, since he was now rather far from the living quarters and labs that had been his main haunts. But the window did provide a beautiful and far better view of Mobius than the much smaller window in his bedroom.

A note was taped to the window, as predicted. Shadow grabbed it and unfolded it with excitement. He desperately desired more of Sonic’s loving prose.

We’ll see all of Mobius together, I promise you. We’ll run together across every field and forest. No corner of Mobius will go unexplored. And Maria will see it with us, because she’s always with you, Shadow.

Shadow sobbed again, this time more from happiness than sorrow. A few teardrops fell onto the paper, and Shadow frantically blew air onto the paper to quickly dry it and keep the note from being ruined.

Once dry, both the paper and his eyes, he continued down the path.

Folded notes, several in a row, were placed on the ground, leading to a door that Shadow knew opened into an observation deck. He picked up the first one.

When we met, you pissed me off. You were so full of yourself. But what really made me mad was how similar you made me realize we were. I was just as full of myself as you were. But you were so in control, and that made me jealous. I’ve screwed myself over more times than I could count. We both had some growing up to do.

Shadow couldn’t help but nod in agreement. They were similar, both so confident and cocky in their own prowess. But Sonic had tempered after nearly causing his little brother to be turned into a robot, and Shadow had mellowed out greatly once he had gained a purpose in protecting Mobius. Shadow picked up the next note.

I was devastated when I thought you were dead. We were friends in those final moments, fighting side by side, despite everything that had happened between us. I wanted to get to know you better. I wanted to show you Mobius. And then you died, or so I thought, and I think I died a little with you. Because I acted like a brat when you came back. I didn’t know what to think, how to feel. I should have told you how happy I was you were alive. I should have held you tight and never let you go from that moment on.

Shadow didn’t begrudge Sonic’s initial reaction to seeing him alive. He’d decided to not dwell on the past, and that included the more recent past. They had a strong and thriving relationship in the present. Shadow saw no reason to harass Sonic over mistakes made when they were both young and foolish. Shadow unfolded the final note.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes with you. It still amazes me sometimes that you find me worthy of loving you even after everything I’ve messed up. There are more times than I’d like to count that I should have been more supportive, if only as a friend. As your lover, I hope I’ve done better.

“You have.” Shadow whispered, his voice hoarse from crying. Sonic gave his all to Shadow. He single handedly managed to make up for the loneliness and sadness that had made up much of Shadow’s life.

Shadow didn’t need grandiose gestures to know Sonic loved him. It shined so clearly in his eyes whenever they locked gazes. It showed itself when they made love and Sonic went slow to make their moments together last. It surrounded him whenever they fell asleep together in one another’s tight embrace.

That had been the last of the notes, and Shadow could feel that this was the end of the journey. Whatever this all was leading to was behind that door.

With hands shaking from anticipation, Shadow pushed the button to make the door slide open.

As he had expected, Sonic stood in the observation deck, hands wringing together nervously. He jumped when the door opened, and Shadow chuckled a little.

Sonic smiled shakily and opened up his arms, which Shadow happily fell into. They kissed gently, lazily curling their tongues together in each other’s mouths, and pulled away when it became a struggle to breath.

“Hi.” Sonic greeted.

“Hello.” Shadow replied.

They both burst into a laughing fit, hugging each other tight as they released their giddy joy.

“You’re smart, Shadow. You probably know what this is all about.” Sonic said after their laughter faded away, leaving joyful smiles of their faces.

“I think I have a pretty good idea.” Shadow said teasingly.

“Then I won’t drag this out much more.” Sonic said before getting down on one knee in front of Shadow and pulling a ring box from his quills.

“Shadow, we’ve been through so much together, and I want to go through so much more with you. I want all the happy and sad moments that life brings, and I want every one of them with you at my side. Shadow, will you marry me?”

“Yes.” Shadow said breathlessly. “Yes, I want that too. With you.”

Sonic gently took his hand and removed his glove, then slid the ring from the box and onto his finger. It was a simple platinum band, and it gleamed bright against his dark fur.

Sonic wiggled his own fingers at Shadow, showing that he was already wearing his matching ring.

“I figured you’d say yes. Who’d say no to this?” Sonic declared arrogantly, thumping a hand against his puffed out chest.

Shadow rolled his eyes. “You’ve still got some growing up to do, you brat.”

“You’ll keep me on the right path.” Sonic said with a wink.

They laughed and kissed and laughed some more, then departed the ARK in a flash of light and their hands joined, leaving the past behind and moving towards a bright future together.
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A little thing that came to me after seeing all the art for these two to celebrate same sex marriage being legalized in my country, the US of A. I wanted to contribute my own little celebration of this wonderful event.

assigned male/male 124,847, hedgehog 76,164, sonic the hedgehog 60,342, shadow the hedgehog 17,078, sonadow 8,935, fluff 5,108, marriage 746, engagement 67
suggested shadow uke476
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 8 months ago
Rating: General

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9 years, 8 months ago
This is adorable, but you know? I actually wanna see how those two confess to each other, not to mention Shadow transform from manly emo hedgehog into a submissive and lovable (also snuggling) hedgehog to Sonic. XD
9 years, 8 months ago
Now that you mention it, I'm realizing I've only really done established relationship stuff with these two. I think When I Met You In The Summer is the only one I've done where they weren't already a couple. Maybe I'll write a prequel to this about how they got together XP
9 years, 8 months ago
Sweet, looking forward to it. I actually wanna see how did Shadow become openly emotional towards Sonic? XD
9 years, 8 months ago
This was very touching & sweet!  I loved how it was a sort of romantic scavenger hunt, and the notes were beautiful to read.
9 years, 8 months ago
Awww, this was so beautiful! <3
9 years, 8 months ago
awh this was so cute ;u;
i want a relationship like this lmao orz xD
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