Annie loves Angel. She is over April it seems. I still say Angel should stick with his sister. She loves him the most. I know i would choose Annie if i was him.
Annie loves Angel. She is over April it seems. I still say Angel should stick with his sister. She l
April never had Annie not even in her dreams :) ((i know i sound like a bastard ..but i really CANT stand people who dont tell someone I am sorry i dont love you ))
April never had Annie not even in her dreams :) ((i know i sound like a bastard ..but i really CANT
glad to know you took my suggestion with April's line in panel 2. honestly, mi amigo, I had to re-evaluate the paragraph in the last panel before the though of strangling Annie.
glad to know you took my suggestion with April's line in panel 2. honestly, mi amigo, I had to re-e