Whoa! Sdcharm This Is Epic! Dr. Egggoo Was So Funny Until He Was Gonna Say Dr. Eggman And Then He Uses And Second Bomb Like In First Bomb When Sliver The Hedgehog And Amy Rose Got Exploded With The Bomb For The First Time In Pg. 13 Tactical Maneuverin' That Was Hilarious! And Then Metal Sonic Came On Over And Passed By Egggoo And Then Vector The Crocodile Came By Standing On The Bomb And Jump On It And Then... The Bomb Went KABOOM! Wow! Amazing Sdcharm! So What's Gonna Happen Next Of Sonic Survival Island Sdcharm Huh?
Whoa! Sdcharm This Is Epic! Dr. Egggoo Was So Funny Until He Was Gonna Say Dr. Eggman And Then He Us
He was going to run away. Metal Sonic wasn't supposed to ram it and make it explode immediately. As for Chip, he isn't close enough to it. If he was he'd be on screen.
He was going to run away. Metal Sonic wasn't supposed to ram it and make it explode immediately. As