Since Nelson loves spankings, I had to pick up an art he did of me for such a question. I'm not always a good pup. I lack self-esteem and get into bouts of tantrum and pouting at times when I start to think people are ditching me. Or I get really depressed about it. Which is a big problem overall in dealing with people. Other times, I do silly things just to get punished. I don't like receiving spankings contrary to what some people think. I like spankings for the fact someone cares enough about me to correct me when I'm doing wrong. And as such, if I did something voluntary to be punished, it's a cry for attention... something I hate doing so but that sometimes need to do.
Otherwise, I've been up before 6 am because I have to drive my parents to the train station (great to have a dream waking you up at 5 am when you get up at 6...) so I'm quite sleepy just now but I'm in padding, and will be until sunday evening (I have to pick my parents on sunday 10 PM, will drop the diapers on my way there, so can be in diapers until sunday 9 pm). I'm not going to rpg club on saturday, so will be doing some puppy things. Any suggestions ? It'll likely be hanging with my plushies (I just got a package from Dominus of dresses so gonna play with them and take pictures) and playing with my transformers, too short to get out my legoes and such. I'm going to play some starcraft 2 and watch some movies and cartoons. I got my sleeper around, so if some people want I could take pics. I know I'm not a real puppy like mommy, but I can try to pretend and have some fun.