Title: Unsinged
Fandom: Transformers
Continuity: G1
Character(s): Sunstorm
Genre: Poetry
Summary: One of the few times I write about a crazed and homicidal Sunstorm (the way he should be appreciated).
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of the Transformers franchise.
Laughter rings through the night,
The messenger has struck again.
Always a step ahead,
The heat always a step behind.
Twists and turns,
He dances through the burning town.
Charred and disfigured corpses,
His easy smile never wavers at the sight.
Finally he stops,
The inferno surrounds him.
He remains unafraid,
As the flames rise to take their prize.
Hours pass,
The fires have died.
Among the ashes,
He stands unsinged.
Laughter loud and clear,
The messenger has struck again.