The streets are empty,
Yet it is the busiest time of day.
The only ones out are me
and my master, who is taking me away
from my home.
I watch as those I love
weep for me.
But their fate is no worse
than mine.
They will be divided and sold,
like me.
And they will be sent off
to lands so far the divine
are the only ones to hold
them, and lead them home,
like me.
I know I will never return home,
so I cry.
I cry for my family,
of which I will never see.
I cry for my friends,
whom will be sent away.
I cry to my gods,
whom have forsaken me.
I cry for myself,
for he knows my heart has died this day.
I cry to my master,
begging him not to take me
from my land to Rome.
He ignores my plees,
and I know I am leaving home.
So I cry to Egypt
as I say goodbye,
goodbye forever.
Image drawn by Tokalub from FA
Colored by me
Poem by me
Khalfani is (c) Hyenafur
Tiberius is (c) himself
9 years, 8 months ago
24 Jun 2015 04:10 CEST
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