No domino completamente el idioma peeeeero está bueno intentar y tratar de ayudar un poco :P
Panel 1 "I present you a new student" "hi everyone, my name is annie"
April (narrator) : "everything stayed like that for a while, until she came"
panel 2 "she was angel's sister, recently transfered from another school from another city, she was cute and extroverted"
panel 3 "she quickly became part of the group, and had a good relationship/friendship with everyone" "well.. everyone except her own brother, for an unknown reason they didn't talk to each other, at least at the school"
panel 4
I'm sorry girls, but I can't go with you today. April, I left you a note, please read it later"
No domino completamente el idioma peeeeero está bueno intentar y tratar de ayudar un poco :P Panel
Panel 1 "I present you a new student" "hi everyone, my name is annie"
This is a new student. Hi everyone, my name is Annie.
I present you is technically fine, although a bit formal. If you really think it fits better, that's fine.
April (narrator) : "everyting stayed like that for a while, until she came"
Also fine, except it's spelled Everything. But I'm guessing you knew that already. Just in case you missed it.
panel 2 "she was angel's sister, recently transfered from another school from another city, she was pretty and extrovert
For this one, saying extroverted, while grammatically correct, is a really big word for someone that age. If you think it fits her speech pattern better, OK, but a better choice that would be more typical of someone her age might be something more like "She was Angel's sister, recently transferred from another school from another city. She was pretty and outgoing." Or maybe even "She was pretty and friendly."
panel 3 "quickly she became part of the group, and had a good relationship/friendship with everyone" "well.. everyone except her own brother, for an unknown reason they didn't talk eacho other, at least at the school"
"Quickly she became part of the group, and had a good relationship or friendship with everyone. Well...everyone except her own brother, for an unknown reason they didn't talk to each other, at least at the school."
some people say things like it was written with a slash between them. in my opinion, with this sentence, just saying or is a more fluid choice.
panel 4
I'm sorry girls, but i can't go with you today, april, i leaved you a note, please read it later"
I'm sorry girls, but I can't go with you today. April, I left you a note, please read it later.
left is the proper word here. or, to be funny, left is the right word. OK, it's not that funny. people that don't do well at English might say leaved, but they generally wouldn't say things like extroverted, it's at least two levels of intelligence higher for them to understand that.
Panel 1 "I present you a new student" "hi everyone, my name is annie" This is a new student. Hi eve
panel 1 " everyone, meet our new student." "hi, my name is Annnie" April: Everything remained that way for a while, untill she came"
panel 2
She was Angel's sister, reciently transfered from anoher school in another city. she was pretty and sociable/extroverted
panel 3 "she quickly became part of the group and had a great relationship with everyone" "well, everyone but her own brother, for some unknown reason they didnt talk to each other, at least at school."
panel4 "I'm sorry girls, but i can't go with you today, April, i left you a note, ease read it later."
Something screwy is going on around here.... *elmer fudd laugh* Angel... man i know them feels
Ane nemi is popular =3
panel 1 " everyone, meet our new student." "hi, my name is Annnie" April: Everything remained that w
Panel 1 "I present you a new student." "Hi everyone, my name is Annie."
April (narrator) : "Everything remained like that for a while, until she came."
panel 2 "She was Angel's sister, and she was recently transferred from another school in a different city. She was pretty and extrovert."
panel 3 "She quickly became part of our group, and she had a great relationships with everyone." "Well... everyone except for her own brother. For unknown reasons, they never talked each other. At school, at least."
panel 4
"I'm sorry girls, but I can't go with you today. April, I left you a note. Please read it later."
Panel 1 "I present you a new student." "Hi everyone, my name is Annie." April (narrator) : "Everyth