Apple Bloom- One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom is the youngest of the Apple Family that lives in Ponyville. Sort of the defacto leader of the Crusaders, she is often the pony with the plan but will sometimes overthink things.Apple Bloom and the Crusaders are portrayed as young teens always looking for ways to get their cutie marks and sometimes certain ponies will try to take advantage of these three budding ponies’ enthusiasm and naiveté to direct their efforts towards more erotic methods of gaining their cutie marks. Despite to her apple family genes, AppleBloom isn’t quite so busty and is the smallest of the CMCs.
Sweetie Belle- One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sweetie Belle is Rarity’s younger sister. She aspires for greatness partially inspired by her older sister, she’s attempted a few different things like her friends but is particularly drawn to stage work. Being related to such a curvy pony as Rarity, it’s no surprise that Sweetie Belle possesses some ample breasts for her age with her being the second bustiest of the CMCs.
Scootaloo- One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Scootaloo is an enthusiastic pegasus filly who has underdeveloped wings and can’t fly. Rainbow Dash is her hero and the orange filly hopes to be just like her. She has a particular love and talent for extreme sports. Scootaloo is surprisingly the bustiest of the three slightly making her friends a little envious at times, though she doesn’t see much good to them as a few ponies(Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon in particular) crack jokes about her tits holding her down on the ground.
Here’s another piece of MLP characters by marauder6272 and this time it’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now, I have to preface this by saying that the CMCs in MLPorny are aged up to 18 so we don’t have any issues. Not much else but Please Enjoy.^^