One of my goals is to do a comic and I think I'm to the point where I want to start doing!
This comic will be read left to right, it will be NSFW, and it will contain the following tags: gay, anal, oral, incest (brother on brother action), young (I'm thinking age 8-11 but am totes open for suggestions), and other lesser tags (cum, penis, ect.). I don't know how long it will be yet...I have what I want it to look like/contain written out but if I think of a sweet ass idea, I can't help myself to change what's set in stone :Y It's safe to assume it won't be as large as "Better Late Than Never" xD
I want your opinions on how it's laid out. Is it easy to follow? Is it pleasing to the eye? I want to know what you think!How can I make this better for all of you viewers? Once we all fight over any changes to the sloppy copy and come to a conclusion, I'll draw it up!
Keep in mind that everyone has ideas on what "looks good" or what they'd like to see. Be respectful of another's opinion and don't be hurt or bitter if what you bring to the table doesn't get added/subtracted from the finished page. I'm seeking idea's on how to make what I've brought to the table better. If I think it's a funny/great idea, I'll make changes to the sloppy copy and update the post. Another thing I want everyone to understand is that I work 90 hours a week so don't expect a new page every hour! I'm hoping to post the WIP pages weekly or bi-weekly (depends on the real life work load). If I get done with one sooner, I'll post it. The finished pages, I really don't know when I'll post them. I want them to be good enough to fwap to so some pages might take longer than others....I am a new artist after all ._. I'm really hoping I can get a finished page up every 2-4 weeks so this project doesn't take me forever.
Thanks a heap ya furry creeps for all the watches, fav's, and comments! Good vibes and so much luv ~<3