Starting to clean up some more and Im getting rid of characters again, some of which I think I will miss, but it would be cool to see someone else take them and do cool stuff with them.
Only 2 of them are 'sorta' expensive cause he comes with the most content.
Sorry it looks kinda messy I literally slapped it together.
All images come with a bigger picture, and seriously, you can do whatever you want with them. Don't care, Im selling them, after that its all on you :)
Just please be sure to give credit back to the artists and creators (Which will be disclosed after purchase)
NOTICE: I AM willing to do art trades. But I may be picky about it.
Some of these also come with Mature and Adult Art. Please don't buy if your not ok with that, or underaged
NO character Trades, Im trying to "LOWER" the amount of characters I have and I think Im 100% happy with the ones I will focus on
NO Story Trades, Music trades or anything like that. Im looking to trade only for a little money, or some good cheap art (Depending)
From left to right, starting at the top
Doberman: TAKEN
Unnamed Dragoness: TAKEN
Sylvia Wolfess: TAKEN
Rat Girl: TAKEN
Polka the Femboy Dragon: TAKEN
Olivia the Binturong: $6 (Comes with a couple extra arts)
Natasha (Forget what she is) $3
Faust the Kangaroo TAKEN
Leamou the Shaggy Dog TAKEN
Klover the (Lizard-like) Axolotl $5 (Comes with a few extra arts)
Punk Skunk $35 (On Hold) ((Comes with a lot of Extra art some from nice artists))
Okami Horse TAKEN
Post below if you want to buy or Do an art trade and We'll talk :)
9 years, 9 months ago
07 Jun 2015 21:25 CEST
Initial: ab684cba28e41b6b486875c316b754b1
Full Size: 9bd2e89e8ddedc585e8764828476a759
Large: 50295005e6ca79fd0bb674a66dc7b400
Small: f410b745ebe5189d9128bdd7d4e7d16d
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