Character Sheet for RWS Blackstar
Pure Straight Egyptian Arabian
Character Description
Pure ebony black with white star on forehead, hence her name.
Witty, smart, agile, caring, slow to anger but once there, look out! Protective of her rider, and fiercely loyal to her.
Apples, carrots, oats, grain, sweet feed, grass, hay, a rare sweet candy called EquineBio, a bio luminance sweet eaten mostly by horses but is toxic to humans.
Blackstar was born to the first two Arabians even known to exist in Middle Earth. However, during it's warring years, many were killed and in an attempt to save the breed and preserve the bloodline (Sauron sought this breed for it's fast speed), the Valor sent several to Earth, where they cemented themselves in Arabia and Egypt and were the most prized possession of the Bedouin tribes. Blackstar was born late in the 1900s and had the rare gift of immortality, granted to her by the high elven king Gil-galad of Imladris (Rivendell in the common tongue).
Sire: RWS Destan
Dam: SRS Crystal Moon
Rider: Hitomi Celeste
Middle Earth (primary) but travels between worlds
Agile, sleek, muscular, hard, good formed hooves, strong bones, dished face, and high tail carriage and arched neck, with small eyes and ears that curve inwards slightly.
Typical saddle, saddle pad, brindle, halter, and blanket. Plus any armour used in battle.