At the crest of the ridge, the humble settlement came into view. Two rows of charming wooden pagoda style houses with varying tiers and painted bold colors like crimson. They surrounded a central square with several stalls for vendors. Off to the side there was also a flattened empty area with crude wooden training dummies. The footpath was a simple one made of slate pieces. A bountiful garden of flowers and vegetables surrounded the perimeter.
As the group trudged down the path to the center of the square, a humanoid plant Digimon with hands like flowers and a wreath of leaves around its head waved and smiled. Lloyd smiled and waved back and it returned to what it was doing -- lighting a row of candles atop stone pedestals. The way the candles were lit was most peculiar. The floral Digimon that the tamer identified as Floramon, a child level, was plugging in the candles to electric outlets in the ground. Paper lanterns also hung from the houses.
Shurimon gestured to the various stands and bowed. "We welcome you to enjoy what our humble village has to offer. I shall summon our master, Peckmon." Without leaving a chance for a response, the ninja softly ascended like a leaf in the wind to the fifth tier of the biggest pagoda house.
Lloyd was left with his mouth open and prepared to ask something. "Uh-h. Alright then..." He shook his head and walked towards the vendor closest to them. "Is it just me, or is Shurimon kind of odd? He attacked us without warning and then lets us in. Doesn't even keep an eye on us. It seems even the 'good' ones want to kill me before I can explain myself."
Those ice cold blue eyes stared at the tamer. "A display of power. He could have hurt us, but he didn't. We are not all violent, but power is what settles disputes in our world. It's not uncommon that you will find Digimon that fight first and ask questions later. By showing off their power, they establish the order of dominance. It says nothing about their intent. Besides, the most vicious, violent Digimon I've ever known is Len and he's my most trusted ally."
"You know, I believe that. At least they seem nice enough here like you said. I hope they trust us enough to tell us something we can use."
As they came into earshot of the Digimon in the square, they ceased their hushed conversation. Behind a row of boxes and chests stood a purple mushroom with a face and limbs. When the fungal Digimon noticed them approaching, he smirked with pursed lips and revealed the contents of one of the chests. Inside were an assortment of spherical objects with fuses. "Hey you, you wanna buy some bombs? I have smoke bombs, flash bombs, poison bombs, you name it."
"N-no, thank you," the boy replied with a weak smile. He glimpsed at Trance, but the fox had his usual stoic face.
Lloyd casually sauntered to the next Digimon's shop. On a table were various utensils and ingredients. A tiny bird Digimon, only a few feet in height, was slicing up fish on a cutting board. The ebon feathered Falcomon wore a blue vest with chainmail underneath. The sight of food was a reminder that he had not eaten since he arrived in this land. He wasn't sure if he even required sustenance while he existed digitally, but his stomach sure felt like he did.
"Partake in some sushi?" The bird chirped jovially. "Freshly caught. Only the best here in Ninja Village."
"That sounds great, I'm starving! Can you make us a platter or something?"
"Sure! I'll put together a nice meal for you two. That will be five hundred bits."
The boy looked puzzled. "Bits of what, exactly?"
Trance said calmly, "He means currency. Bits are what we trade in the Digital World."
"Well, I don't have any. Do you?" Lloyd asked, dejected.
"My life is that of a monk. I have given up material wealth."
Another Digimon interjected, "If you are looking for work, there's something you could do for us." Peckmon appeared behind them without notice. An adult Digimon resembling a large flightless bird, Peckmon towered over both of them at nine feet tall. Bright red-orange plumage-like flame made up his head and tail feathers. He wore very similar garb to Falcomon. The yellow scarf around his long neck fluttered in breeze. He spoke in a low, yet confident voice. "A couple of petty thieves are helping themselves to our food stores at night."
"No offense, but why are they evading you? What will we be able to do that you can't?" Lloyd tried to sound polite. Really, aren't you ninjas?
"Ahem." Peckmon cleared his throat deliberately. He wasn't too impressed by the implication. "That's not it. We have to stay in the village, so we are unable to give chase very far. This region is close to the Overdell and the Nightmare Soldiers are more active at night. Several of our strongest are away on duties so it is only Shurimon and I that are left to defend the disciples. Now, if you agree to stop them from stealing in the future, I'd be willing to offer you a meal for now and lodging in my home tonight. I'll also send you on your way with some bits for travel expenses."
"That's...very nice of you, thank you. Trance?" Lloyd looked to his Digimon for approval.
The silent fox nodded.
"I know that you're from Kistune Forest. Your messenger, Patamon, has spoken highly of you specifically, Trance," Peckmon commended.
"Y-yes, we'll take care of it," Trance shakily replied while averting his gaze.
Is that Trance being embarrassed? It's kind of cute. Lloyd stifled a chuckle.
The master of Ninja Village merely nodded at the younger bird to start preparing a meal. "Eat your fill, on me. That house right there," he said as he raised a leg and pointed with a talon matching the color of his bright feathers. It was the smallest house, between the two taller pagodas parallel to the shore. The storehouse had only two tiers and was painted midnight blue. "That is the one you want to watch. Wait for them to make their move and catch them in the act. That way we will know for sure it's the right Elecmon."
"Elecmon? What does one look like? And are you expecting more for some reason?" Lloyd asked.
"It's a small red mammal Digimon with nine tails and the ability to call lightning. One of the thieves was identified as an Elecmon, but they are common around this region. Shurimon was unable to discern the species of the other one, so be careful."
"Elecmon is a child Digimon," Trance stated. "Provided the other isn't much stronger, it should not be an issue."
Most Digimon would not expect their opponent to evolve suddenly in most cases. That is what Trance implied, and the meaning was received by his tamer. The mysterious other Digimon was the only detail to nag at Lloyd, but at the same time it was an exciting prospect. Could it be? They thought I was just some unknown Digimon at first, too. There's nothing to do but find out tonight. "Let's eat and relax for a while. It's already sunset so we should be prepared to keep watch soon."
The peppy Falcomon presented them with plates topped with an assortment of specialty rolls. Awkwardly wielding his chopsticks, the boy devoured everything on his plate. He was too busy to notice Trance eat several pieces, only a fraction of his plate, then set it back down on Falcomon's table. Without a word he left to scope out the edges of the forest.
On a flat boulder by the shore, Lloyd sat to rest his legs and contemplate the nature of the land he found himself in. Danger seemed to lurk around every corner, but at the same time the world had its own sort of charm. The vastness of it, not just the Digital World, but the point behind it and all of the questions towards that end. Who made this place? Why? What was I brought here for? To test it? Why me? What is the point of this game? What am I supposed to do? Ever since his arrival had his mind been filled will questions. Every answer left more questions. It had become a great frustration.
The fox appeared next to him. "Lloyd."
"Ah! You're good at this whole stealth thing, I'm surprised you're not from here instead. You think we should be on watch now?"
"Yes, but that's not what I wanted to tell you. I can keep watch myself. What I'm asking you to do is try to use the device to evolve me when I give the signal. As soon as they show themselves, I want to be ready to give chase. I want all the speed available to me."
"Okay, but I'm going to keep watch with you. Not only to evolve you, but I can scan for any Elecmon hiding nearby with the device as well."