OMG!!! XDDDD i CAN imagine that!!! XDDDDDDDD i bet if angi and lupus are drunk so they shloud let evil to join them xDDDDDDD at least angi should xDDDDD
OMG!!! XDDDD i CAN imagine that!!! XDDDDDDDD i bet if angi and lupus are drunk so they shloud let e
err.... adaptation I mean. Of the the cannonical character (Yakko Warner) into your own creation. :D Also when I mean bigger, I just mean a little higher rez on the picture.
err.... adaptation I mean. Of the the cannonical character (Yakko Warner) into your own creation. :D
technically his eyes are solid black with white shine spots, In the original animation they got around the no pupil thing by moving the entire eyes around the actual head, this character has fixed eyes, to over come the limits of having solid black eyes with no pupils, i treat the larger shine as the pupil, the smaller shine helps create the illusion that it is in fact a shine and not a pupil. It seems to work quite well.
technically his eyes are solid black with white shine spots, In the original animation they got arou