Windsor McCay, an early pioneer in both animation and the comic strip, did a series of unrelated mad stories, each Sunday. In one, a colossus in frock coat and derby hat wreaks havoc in the city. So vast he wrecks a large bridge using it as a chair and toys with a subway train ! In the end,all the destruction and havoc turn out to be a dream; he;s sleeping off a rarebit binge. The premise of the strip is that rarebit ,esp. at bedtime, is poisonous and causes mad nightmares. Besides his hugely successful DREAM OF THE RAREBIT FIEND, McCay also did LITTLE NEMO IN SLUMBERLAND, which was a serial.
I do not suppose that you are familiar with this pioneer strip ? Check the wiki for a discussion,incl. 2 panels from the giant pillaging NYC, that I just discussed !
Windsor McCay, an early pioneer in both animation and the comic strip, did a series of unrelated mad