Kendall in his pooltoy form has shown he does like being filled with water (even if he cant really move with all that weight). rawr's character Dew knew of another person Kendall should meet that likes water-filled pooltoys - Gery. Soon as Gery hears of this and scoops up Kendalltoy to squee and hug (and Dew run for the hills to avoid having THIS happen again)... "But you have no water in you right now. You must be starving!" Gery says. "W-well its because I cant-" before he can say anymore, the big water dragon takes in a deep breath, and gives Kendall a kiss... with what felt like a bajillion gallons of water to Kendall now being forced into him! Once Gery stopped and Kendall wasn't disoriented said "...move"... now squirming and wiggling his body unable to even waddle around... Sloshing as he tries. "But you still got plenty of room for more. See? There is some air left in you!"
...Kendall is now wishing that he survives this meeting with Gery, heh.
A adorably cute and squee-worthy commission by scottc! His upload is HERE if you can comment and fave it there too.