The Vampire of Cairo is a 1997 psychological thriller film directed by Edgar West. Starring Stephan Palmer and Zakia Nadira, it tells the story of Nick Pines, the 14th victim of serial killer Varik Jäger.
It was a critical and financial success, with critics praised the performance of Stephan Palmer in his first leading role. The film's composer, Julian Emmerich, won the Embassy Award for Best Original Score.
Based on Nick's Patreon reward. I wanted to go all out with this one and make it a nice looking poster for a movie that now exists in the Black Dogs canon. As you may have figured out, this Varik is an adaptation of my Pathfinder character.
nah, the names a misnomer if you didnt check out the previous pick the 'vampire of cairo' is the nickname of a serial killaer from there world knwon for his bloody and over the top methods of exicuteing his victims...the pic here is him and his first truely brutal victim [before he started devistateing the poor boys body] acording to the info provided on the first pick the birdy murderer started to go even nuttier after this kill and was eventualy caught as a result.
nah, the names a misnomer if you didnt check out the previous pick the 'vampire of cairo' is the nic