Hello everybody! As some of you might/might not know is that i attended NFC(NordicFuzzCon) And i took a bunch of neat pictures of both suiters and my personal experience with my friends, which i will share with you here today! ^u^ Firstly theres the FULL album (Meaning all the pics, not just directly furry and con related): http://imgur.com/a/TVkPN#0 And then theres the Suiter Album (Only pictures of suiters and such): http://imgur.com/a/7Knwi#0 I had a blast, and i thank you all for making my first con such a awsome experience, and now ill spend my days eating ben&jerrys while crying in the shower cause the PDC(PastConDepression) is hitting to hard ;u; If you find a picture of yourself that you want to sumbit, please rememer to include my name in the description~ Photography: kimpze