oh my gosh... ... ... I honestly hav eno idea what to say. edit: wait, got it.
SO FUCKING FLUFFY~! :D and THANK YOU SO MUCH! That has made my day all the more merrier~! ^ ^ You got his colors spot on save for the other brown... It's more of an olive but still regardlass of that, YAY~! Happy happy happy!
oh my gosh... ... ... I honestly hav eno idea what to say. edit: wait, got it. *SO FUCKING FLUFFY
Hahaha I'm glad you like it :3 it was difficult to work out what colour went where as it seems to change a lot in your pictures. Hope the fruffy kitty brightened your day ^^
Hahaha I'm glad you like it :3 it was difficult to work out what colour went where as it seems to ch
Yeah... I've never gotten a Ref Sheet of him, but generally the second 'brown' I guess it is, was meant to be olive color of sorts.... Or maybe I just haven't every gotten the damn colors right in my head an I tink it's one thing when really it's another... @~@ BLEAH! Either way, again thank you VERY VERY much~! ^ ^
Yeah... I've never gotten a Ref Sheet of him, but generally the second 'brown' I guess it is, was me