Pulling from the backlog of art again, since I'm in a dry spell of doing non-art stuff as I figure things out.
I have... a lot of stories I want to work on. Tons and tons and tons. And every couple of months I'll browse through my folders and look at them, and be like "I totally wanna work on this". But I can't, because that's irresponsible, and I have other stories to finish first.
To placate myself, though, I usually start doodling the characters instead. Simone has a few roughed out comic pages with Nedra that I'd like to finish for Frisky Ferals eventually. Spoilers: Angry lesbian sex, and more allusions to the discs of Feralis. My goal with this drawing was to start thinking about how I want Simone's pack to look like. Her horns keep changing length, though. Still deciding how long I want those to be.