Character Sheet for James Quickclaw
Urthdigger is experienced more than anything. He's been around for a long, long time. While he went through several phases in his past, nowadays he considers himself an eccentric, traveling in search of new experiences and doing his best to avoid fame.
He is especially fond of anything new, or at least something he hasn't seen in a while. That said, he has a particular fondness for gummy worms in most societies, will gladly order insects in places that serve them, and goes nuts if he can ever get his paws on deeper 'n 'ever turnip 'n tater 'n beetroot pie.
He has an odd distaste for fame, and tries his best to avoid the spotlight. As he puts it, he doesn't want the story to be about him.
The short version of Urthdigger's history is that he grew up in a world similar to Redwall, where he served in the Silver Garrison. Unfortunately his world broke apart when the website hosting it in our world went down, leaving him a resident of the void. This granted him the ability to move between worlds, and restoration after death, but has made him a stranger of every world he's visited. More than anything, he'd like to return home, but he's accepted that his world may be gone for good.
Shaun Quickclaw - Older brother, found in a world similar to Sonic the Hedgehog's. Visits on occasion.
Karren Crystalpaw - Former girlfriend, missing since his world split. Presumed dead.
The Silver Garrison was based on the Redwall series of books, so he helped keep the land safe from vermin invaders. Magic and technology were present in his world, but not terribly uncommon. Urthdigger was born with an innate ability to manipulate the world around him, but most of his tech knowledge was learned after the end of the world.
The Void Between Dimensions is Urthdigger's new home. It is a vast grey expanse filled with chaotic ruins of trash leftover from a world's demise. Most of a world is disintegrated into energy by the trip however, leaving the Void a place of boundless energy: No sleep or food is required, wounds heal instantly, and time spent there even rejuvenates people to their prime. However, it is above all boring. It's rare for Urthdigger to spend long in here, and this is likely part of the reason why he has never seen any other residents.
In the worlds he visits, Urthdigger is bound by the rules of his new home, which may dictate his form, magic, and other details. It should be noted, however, that each world carries its own time. He may leave one, spend ages in another, and return back mere seconds after he last left. The one rule is he can't return earlier than he left.
A townsend's mole with taupe fur and green eyes, standing 5' 4" tall with a mostly lean build. Paws and tail are unfurred, and he lacks ears. His tail is a little over 1' long. His claws are 6" long on his hands, with his thumbs filed down considerably. The claws on his feet are likewise filed down.
He typically wears a green shirt and khaki pants with no shoes. In general, he tends towards earth tones and nature themes. Hunter green is his favorite color.
He wears a pair of pince-nez glasses due to nearsightedness, but is still functional without them. He also wears a camouflage patterned brown and black wristband, a memento from his unit in the Silver Garrison