Screw backgrounds! We don't need no stinkin' backgrounds! Heh, well, I mean, this WAS sitting on my harddrive waiting for backgrounds for an embarrassingly long amount of time, so I'm obviously not gonna get to that, so let's just skip it and toss it up here! ^_^;; Such an embarrassingly long amount of time that this is full of errors to my eyes. But whatevs! No sense in sitting on this having it stare at me!
^_^ Anyway, this is a character based on one of my friends from high school--she's a cyborg called Lemonly. BECAUSE! Heh, it was fun drawing her again--and this is the first time I'd done her in color, so that was fun--coming up with her...armor? I guess?...color and stuff. ^_^ Being based on an actual person, the skin, hair, and eye colors were less difficult to figure out.
9 years, 9 months ago
15 Apr 2015 20:33 CEST
Initial: ae51724758efa60887b6576a67d2fdcd
Full Size: 38ba69f93b3b654cc07fe89273daee62
Large: 38ba69f93b3b654cc07fe89273daee62
Small: cef9fe5907a330dbc1dba4a08fa2736b
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